Chap 29 : Drunken Actions And Cold Showers

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My hips swayed with beat of the music.

I don't know how many shots I had, I lost count after 10.

Yup I'm purely intoxicated.

I didn't even flinch when a dude started dancing with me, his hands on my hips.

He moved closer to me making me move back.

Not that close dude.

Suddenly he was thrown back making me look back at the person in surprise.

Oh. It was sugar.

He took my hand wrapping it around his neck and one of his hands on my hips the other on my exposed back.

His touch making me shiver.

I was too drunk to push him away.

I swayed in sink with him, tangling my hands in his ear making him groan.

He moved me closer until I was glued to his body.

His muscles tense and his eyes dark.

Was he jealous?


Wait a minute wasn't he dating stacey?

I pushed myself of him making his eyes snap to me.

His eyes darkened more making me bite my lip.

"Don't even try cupcake, you aren't leaving me tonight or ever. You. Are. Mine"

Sugar spoke lowly with a husky voice making me sputter nonsense.

I hate myself when drunk. I become my old self.

"I wasn't- we weren't - what? Do you like roses?"

I flushed in embarrassment making his eyes glitter in amusement.

He sure was having fun.

"No excuses today cupcake. And yes I do like roses if you like them too"

Sugar replied bringing me closer again.

His hands rubbing circle in my back.

"I-I do like roses but I like lavender more"

I stuttered clearly distracted by a certain someone's hand.

"Is that so? hmm"
Sugar teased.

Damn him for having this effect on me.

Let's test a theory shall we.

I smirked before tightening my hands around his neck bringing my face closer to his as if I was about to kiss him before going towards his ear trailing kisses down his jaw.

Sugar tensed before growling lowly.

"Cupcake don't start something you can't finish"

Sugar groaned before looking at down at me.

I smiled at him a little too cheerfully.

"Who said I can't finish it?"
I teased trailing my hands on his chest.

I kissed his neck leaving him frozen.

Across the room our friend's were looking at us wide eyed.

I giggled before going towards them.

I greeted as If I didn't become a seductress.

"Bitches it's time".

Roni and Em walked with me towards the pool.

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