Chap 20 : David

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Adrian's pov :

It's been 2 fucking days since she's been ignoring us.

Not only me but Roni and Em too.

Whenever we try to talk to her she just runs the opposite way.

And I noted that she flinched whenever we came near her.

It made my heart wrench painfully.

Roni caught her yesterday but she just excused that she was busy.

Of course we all called bullshit on that.

She's a bad liar.

That night I saw her enter home and I returned back to ask Cameron what he did.

That asshole only shook his head.

He's been less talkative since then.

I don't know what the fuck is going on and seeing my mate restless is far from what I want.

Keith is getting restless. Im afraid if she doesnt talk to me today I'll shift infront of the school.

Not that it will do something accept that there are some humans here.

Slamming my tray on the table I narrowed my eyes at Cupcake.

She was busy looking at her phone.

"I get that we are worried about har what I don't get is why are you getting restless"Roni commented.

Sebestian gave me a knowing smirk.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

I can't hide something from them can I?

"she's my mate that's why".

I confessed.

"we already knew that. Man you should've atleast told us".
Sebestian teased while wiggling his eyebrows.

I still don't know why he's my beta.

"wait you mean you knew and didn't tell me. You are sleeping on the couch today mister".
Roni grumbled while throwing me a glare.

I just rolled my eyes at her.

"wait- babe you aren't serious are you?! I can't do that" Sebestian whined.

"You will. I still haven't forgiven you for making fun of me last monday".

Roni responded while glancing back at Har.

"Guy's don't you think that the new guy david is hanging out with Harley alot" Noah said while munching on some fries.

I shot him a grateful look for interrupting Roni knowing her she'll probably wants to know everything.

That mother fucker just winked at me.

Why am I friends with them?

I don't even have a appetite anymore.

My narrowed more as soon as I saw the new student david sit beside Cupcake.

And for once she didn't glare at him.

I gaped at her.

Because she fucking smiled at him.

I'm not possesive over her or her male friends.

I'm not like that. The reason why I was shocked heck all of us were because the past week she didn't even bat an eye at anyone.

She looked dead.

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