Chap 32 : Dreams And Surprises

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"Woah woah ladies, what are you doing?"

I asked raising a eyebrow at him.

Em silently motioned as of zipping her lips and locking it.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Now chop chop. Get dressed"

Roni grabbed my hand throwing my phone across the bed and pushing in the bathroom.

Where a beautiful dress was hanging there.

Exactly what are those girls planning?

I shrugged knowing better not to argue with these women.

I got out twirling a little before muttering.

"There now can I read my book?"

Em immediately made me sit on the vanity whike roni combed my hair.

Astrea was just looking at me.

"Darling, you look beautiful in that"
Astrea complimented making me blush.

I noticed they changed outfits too.

"Wow! You all look amazing. What's the event?"

I turned towards them.

"Thank you We know. Har just don't ask questions it's a surprise" Roni said while bringing out a curler.

I immediately shook my head.

No way.

"Oh come on just once"
Roni whined.

"But I've seen people burn their hair with this"
I spoke shaking my hair.

I love how my hair looks. I don't need no curls.

"Do you trust me? I won't burn your hair"
Roni asked while turning me around again.

I muttered a "no" earning me a whack at my head.

I glared at her was about to flash my finger when I realized Astrea is still here.

I huffed crossing my arms.

Em plucked my eyebrows making me wince.

"Em it hurts. Stop that."
I demanded im vain.

"Shut up you cow. Let me do my magic"
Em glared at me.

Don't get me wrong I can do makeup and I love to do it too but not when these two morons hog me up.

I can do it myself perfectly fine.

After thirty minutes of me wincing even though the curler didn't burn me and getting glares and an amused look from astrea we were all ready.

I noticed the boy's weren't there as soon as we entered the living room.

"They went ahead complaining about us taking too long" Astrea spoke answering my thoughts.

I mouthed a OH.

I put my phone in my bag while getting out.

Astrea was in the back with Em with me at the passenger seat and Roni driving.

I opened my playlist.

"Shall we get this fucking road trip started? or whatever it is. Sorry Astrea"
I shouted muttering a sorry about my foul mouth.

"Don't worry. I gave birth to some idiots who love to cuss out"
Astrea teased.

She's the coolest.

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