Chap 5 : The Call

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It was lunch time now and I felt alot better than the morning .

The pain was still there though.

I walked towards my locker dumped all my books inside, slamming it shut.

I slowly walked toward  our table as usual the boys were there too but today I was determined to finish some chapters of the werewolf book I've been obsessed over.

My energy was so drained. I can't wait to go home.

I sat down and fished my phone out of my pocket.

Not really caring about my surrounding I soon gave all my attention to the book, not paying any  attention to the voices around me.


This is the best part, the girl in the book painted her Alpha mate in his wolf form, who she saw in her dream.

she showed it to her best friend cole but the plot twist was that cole is her mate.... I was excited to see how he would confess, feeling super giddy but of course I was interrupted.

Annoyed, I turn towards Em.

“Em I am at the best part” I whined like a child.

“what is even so interesting that you are so engrossed in it?” Em asked

The boys were listening to our convo, dropping whatever they were talking about.

why are they so nosy?

“Oh my I'm telling you, you would be obsessed with it. I'm reading a werewolf story, he is the alpha and the girls best friend, he was going to confess to her, they are so cute together ” I rambled obviously feeling happy to share my interests.

Which I usually don't though. I feel comfortable around the guys.

I looked to the rest of them and saw Roni slightly smiling at me while Noah and Sebestian were looking at me  as if I revealed a big ass secret of theirs. While Adrian was looking Happy, I kid you not this guy is weird.

I still blushed recalling this mornings event.

As if he could read my mind he smirked at me not before mouthing.


I immediately turned  towards both of my besties. I so not want him to see the red tint on my cheeks.

“And let's not forget how hot he is and plus he does super cute things like giving flowers anonymously and going on cute dates. Who does that nowadays? ”I murmured softly not before dreamily sighing.

They sighed with me dreamily. When I heard two cracking sound, looking from where the sound came from, I saw Adrian's eye darken in colour,  looking right in my eyes.

“And may I ask why are you looking at me like that, anyways girls I have soms news”.
I exclaimed while clasping my hands.

He didn't reply but just stared.

“what is it? ” Em asked while popping a grape in her mouth.

She was leaning on Noah and he was just staring at her.

Mhm something smells fishy.

“Liam is here, Roni met him already but I'll tell him to come here so he can meet you ”.

I grinned at her not before winking.

“And Who is this Liam guy?” Noah spoke with a low voice.

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