Chap 31 : Wattpad Addiction

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"W-what are you doing sugar?"

My voice shaky and my heart running a marathon if I was in the Olympics ai would've gotten a gold medal.

The problem in hand now.

Sugar smirked at me.

"Do I make you that nervous hmm cupcake? I can hear your heart beating, careful you might faint at that rate"

Sugar teased trailing his fingers from my cheek towards my throat and then to my chest.

I gripped his hands stopping it from going further.


My eye's were wide as saucers.

"Get over yourself mister. Now what is it that you want?"

I spoke trying to remove the shakiness from my voice.

He leaned in as if he was gonna kiss me.

Oh holy crackamoly.

I closed my eyes tightly afraid that I won't be able to control my thoughts.

Why would he even kiss me?

Hot breath fanned my ear making me shiver.

"Are you sure you can give me what I want Harley?"

Sugar whispered in a low voice making my legs jelly.

"Do you-u really have to come this close to ask me something?"

I sputtered out looking at his entrancing eyes.

He moved a little back caging me between his arms.

"Yes, I want you to cancel the date you agreed on"
He said no no commanded.

My mind went blank for a whole minute.


He wants me to what?

I looked at him incredulously.


I sounded my thoughts to him.

He sighed before mumbling.

"How can you not see it"

I gave him a confused look.

"Cupcake. Please just cancel it I promise I'll tell you the reason in few days"

Sugar pleaded.

I was about to nod but wait what about my plan.

Yes. Yes I do have a crush on him BUT a teeny weeny one. Okay. I think because he has the looks anyways I'm planning to remove him from my mind, I hope this works successfully.

I ducked under his arm getting out grabbing phone and plopping on the bed.

Sugar groaned banging his head on the wall.

I snickered. What a cutie....

"Did you just say I'm cute?"
Sugar voice reached my ears.

My neck whipped up seeing his shocked face which turned into a teasing one but I could see the happiness gleam in his eyes.

The hell is he happy for?

Surely he received many compliments with his looks.

"What are you saying? I'm reading a book."

I nervously spoke hurriedly opening a book.

Sugar eyed me before sitting close beside me.

"Sure whatever you say"

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