Chap 36 : Memory Lane

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Flashback 2 years back :

I blinked trying to clear my hazy sight. My mouth felt dry, I wanted to scratch it.

My eyes wandered over the cardboard boxes the worn out sofa in the far corner of the room lastly on the cramped stairs leading upwards.

The shitty light only gave away a silhouette standing on the left corner.

I couldn't remember why I was here? Or how I ended up here?

“I was about to gag you with a cloth if you didn't wake up in the next five minutes”
A familiar voice spoke.

I couldn't point out where I heard it but it was very familiar.

I heard his fingers drumming against something, his footsteps echoing as he slowly walked towards me.

I gasped as fin's face came into the light a dagger in his hands as he twisted it skillfully.

The same fin that is dating my sister Heather, the same fucking fin that raped my sister in front of my own eyes.

I fumbled with my hands trying to free myself from the ropes.

I winced as it scratched me.

He chuckled seeing my weak attempt to free myself.

“why in such a hurry?”
His voice made me wanna puke.

I can't believe I saw him as a brother.

“Shut the hell up, why am I here? ” as much as I tried to come out confident my voice was shaky making his eyes glint.

“Aww is harley afraid? Don't worry I won't harm you but someone else will”
He mocked his dagger gliding down my face.

My eye's widened, a whimper escaped my mouth as it digged in my skin.

He backed up calling out a name I was too familiar with.

Please don't be him.

Please not him.

He shouted.

Soon I saw someone coming down but couldn't see his face.

I shake my head not quite believing this.

It has to be a dream.

Ryder my boyfriend of a year was standing in front of me long gone his smile that made me melt but was replaced by a sinister look over his face.

He nodded towards fin as he kneeled down towards me.

“Hi baby!”
He whispered tucking my hair behind my ears.

I backed away as much a I could.

Tears streamed down my face. I can't believe he is with my sisters rapist.

Fin vanished to god knows where.

“No no it's me ryder. Don't be scared we are gonna have loads of fun”
He spoke while his hands found its way on my thigh.

I shut my eyes. Tears staining my cheeks as I vigorously shook my head.

My eyes snapped open as ryder slapped me hard. Grabbing my jaw forcefully.

“You have two options baby. Make this easy for me and you or face it the hard way”
He spat harshly his nails digging in my skin.

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