Chap 38:Racing Hearts

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"I'm scared. You go first" Em spoke grabbing onto Noah's arms pushing me forward.

"Oh come on do it" I said trying to drag her but to no avail.

She was clinging onto Noah as if her life depended on it.

"Noah help me here" I spoke putting my hands on my hips, swatting my hair away from my eye's.

"I don't know. I like it right now" Noah smirked motioning on Em clinging onto him.

I groaned tapping my foot impatiently.

"You weren't scared when we did it before why are you scared now?" I questioned as she glanced everywhere but me.

We decided to go zip lining. The place was a half and hour drive from our hut on the beach.

Now here we are trying to or I am trying to make Em go.

Sébastien and Roni went first. I know if I went Em would back up.

That doofus Noah wasn't of any help as he gripped Em back.

I rolled my eyes looking back at sugar who was already ready wearing the gears.

He was in a white thin shirt making his ab lines visible with black shorts.

He looked hot especially with those shades on.

He waved me over as I pushed my hair back.

It's so hot today.

"Fine. Stay here I'm going" I spoke annoyed at Em as they both silently watched me, exchanging glances.

What is wrong with them?

I walked upto sugar grumbling quietly. Em was acting very strange.

"She's not going first?" Sugar asked handing me the gear as I tried to wear it.

"No she's scared which is wierd" I mumbled looking at the locks as they dropped everytime I tried to tie it.

"Need help?" Sugar aksed as I nodded not looking up.

His shoes touched the tip of mine as he stood closely to me. His body radiating warmth.

His hands grabbed mine as sparks flied. Softly dropping them, grabbing both sides of the gear locking it up tightly around my waist his hands touching my bare waist.

Goosebumps rose as I looked up at him to find him staring at me while his hands tied the last belt.

I looked away as my heart pounded rapidly.

"Let's go" Sugar whispered his voice suddenly thicker.

I cleared my throat nodding. I so can't say a word right now. The things he does to me and doesn't even know.

I was in biker shorts and a crop top with slight rips on it but it still felt hot.

My hands shake as I tried to tie my hair into a pony tail.

The guy working there locked my hook on the zip or whatever you called it as Sugar came up behind me taking my hair in his hands trying to throw it in a pony tail.

I think I just melted.

"Give me a band" Sugar spoke as I took one off my wrist giving it to him my fingers touching his and my back naturally relaxing against his front.

I don't know how he tied it but the hairs didn't touch my neck so oh well.

"Ok, wait for me there" Sugar stated backing up.

"I'll meet you there don't piss you're pants" I teased giving him a mock salute as the instructor pushed me off the ledge.

The last thing I saw was sugars smile as Em and Noah stood beside him looking excited.

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