Chap 23 : Cameron

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"And that's your business how?"

I spoke in a bored tone.

On the outside sure, I looked calm but on the inside I was mess.

Like how can he point out about H when she was the one I didn't wanna talk about.

"I'm disappointed Heather(H) didn't tell you about me then again I can understand seeing the situation you guys were in"

Cameron tsked then sat opposite me.

"What do you mean by their situation what situation?" Roni questioned making Em nod in agreement too.

I glared at cameron.

I don't know this dude but if H did say something to him then he needs to shut his mouth.

"Who are you anyways to know about H?" I spat while balling my hands into fists.

It was a nervous habit of mine.

"You could say a friend. I know you don't want me to say a thing but you should tell them about H and them maybe they can help not to forget I have to tell you something about your mark".

Cameron said in a almost pleading tone.

What is wrong with this dude?

"Like I said don't interfere in my business and don't tell me what to do and how the fuck do you know about them?"

I angrily spoke.

I called Liam earlier in school I dont know when he's gonna come but if he doesn't come in the next five minutes I'm beating the crap out of him.

"And may I ask how do you know about cup- Harley and who is them?"

Sugar growled at Cameron.

He put his hands up in surrender.

"Woah bro I don't know her personally though I do know her sister. And yes to answer your question Harley I can't tell you how I know them until you take me to H and please just listen its important, I have to tell you about your mark too".

I glared daggers at him silently putting my shoes on.

On time Liam entered.

"who wants to know about Heather I can-"

Cutting Liam of by nudging him with my elbow a little too hardly.

"Shut up Liam" I hissed.

He raised a brow at me.

I just shook my head motioning towards the door.

He nodded.

That's why I love him he understands me.

Oops I may have said that aloud.

"Aw thanks I love you to Har"

I gulped as I saw a murderous aura around sugar.

He was looking at me long gone his beautiful eyes now it was just plain black.

I smiled sheepishly at him.

"wait a minute if he knows about Heather then why aren't you telling us? I'm really curious about this"

Noah spoke .

"I thought she was back in London studying" Em spoke her eyebrows were furrowed.

"I said she was not that she is"

I spoke before turning to noah.

"curiosity killed the cat noah"

"yeah but satisfaction brought it back"

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