chap 35 : Cookies And Tears

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"No no he does like you. I don't get how you can't see it everyone would know if they see the way Adrian looks at you, as if you're his whole world , and you are. Now tell me,do you like my son dear ?" Astrea asked bluntly her expression full of hope .

My eyes wandered everywhere not being able to meet her eyes, I don't know what to say, I'm having this conversation with sugars mom not mine but surprisingly I don't mind it at all .

"I-I do. I like him more than I even knew and that's what scares me . I don't know why I got feelings towards sugar so quickly or why I feel like I could open up about my every difficulty to you ? just thinking about it makes my head dizzy but yes to answer your question honestly I very much do like your son , more than I ever imagined. "

I nervously spoke my eyes frozen on astrea's hand as she clasped my cold ones . Her hands were warm making me want to cry, I missed this warm touch .

"honey ,I know its very confusing but I promise tomorrow everything will make sense . I'm so happy I cant express in words I waited for this day for so long ,come on give this old women a hug."

Astrea spoke hugging me tightly ,she pulled back looking at me lovingly with tears brimming her eyes.
my own eyes watered no one ever made me feel so welcomed or special .

Her face turned serious as she scooted a little closer .

“I don't know if its right to ask you this honey but what do you mean by difficulties ,did something bad happen?”

her eyes searching my face as it hardened .

I wanted to scream a yes, all those memories coming back to life as if it was happening right now , my world shattered as I saw it happen again .

“Harley ..HARLEY ” astrea shaked me her face masked with concern .

I couldnt hold it in anymore . The two years full of torture piled down my whole body shook as I sobbed my hand in my hair slighlty balling it . I looked up not caring of what she saw in my face .

was it years of pain , betrayal , anger or sadness for losing my family ?

Her own face had tears streaming down making me wanna protect this kind hearted women with all my might .

I spoke between sobs not stopping I dont care but I wanna tell her everything she was like a mother I never had as I remebered bitterly my own mom didnt come because of her business, so much care for a daughter they had .

words didnt come out as I tried to speak . she softly craddled my head taking me in her warm embrace .

I calmed down a little my sobs turning into light hiccups . 

I didn't speak but let my scars show my story well some of it atleast . 

I lifted my shirt up earning a gasp from her , I smiled at her bitterly .

The stab wound left a mark on my stomach I forgot to welcome that one . oh well another one added to my body .

I removed my bandaid showing her the burned skin, the night when ryder did that flashed before me making me wince .

Then I showed her my back ,the whip marks were there but only if you see it closely . I turned towards her seeing her full on sobbing .

That's enough for today I dont wanna make her run away .

“oh lord .who did this to such a sweet girl ?” Astrea asked in disbelieve her hands caressing my face while I whispered one word making me wanna go in the past and change my choices .

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