Chap 12 : Guilt, Revenge And Heather

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"Hey.. Hey honey look at me". Dad said turning me so I could face him.

"whatever happened to H isn't your fault okay and we are still here and H is too, you'll see.. I know she will wakeup Just never loose hope, okay Honey?"Dad said wiping my tears.

I nodded while hiccups escaped my mouth.

"can- can I see her alone? " I asked him.

He hesitated uncertainty swirling in his eyes but nodded nonetheless.
Kissing my forehead, we walked towards Mom and Liam.

"you okay sweetheart?" mom asked with concern etched around her face.

I nodded giving them a small smile.

"can I take her for a moment?" Liam asked my parents to which they nodded.

"what's up?" I asked Liam as I started walking towards H's room.

"Roni and Em are continously asking where are you and if you're okay, what do I do?"

Liam asked while ruffling his hair.

"just tell them that I'll call once I'm free and not to worry" I said.

Pushing the door open, Heather's scent engulfed me as I took in my surroundings.

It was still the same room, mom wanted H's room to look the same as her room used to look in England.

With blush pink walls, fairy lights spicing up the plain white curtains.
Fluffy white carpet and a cute sofa set with a marble coffee table. On the other corner there was her guitar which she used to play for me.

Beside it was her collection of old literature novels which I found boring and used to tease her about.

A tear escaped my eye thinking about the bitter sweet memory.

Finally my eyes reached the queen sized bed where H was lying, almost looking dead, if it weren't for the heart machine.

Indicating the beats of her heart, making us hopeful that H is still in there.

But to be honest I lost all hope a long time ago.

Life isn't all rainbows and magic as people describe it to be .

Reluctantly, I walked towards her.

Sitting on the seat beside her bed I took her frail arms in my hand. Her face was pale, eye bags visible under her eyes. Her once long healthy hair were now looking thin and rough.

Taking a shaky breath I started to speak things that I wanted to shout out to the world but for now sharing it to my sister and my best friend, it was enough.

"Hi H, I know it's b-been a long time since I visited you but I promise to visit as much as I can. I know you can hear us and I want you to know that I love you so much and it breaks me to see you like this."

I took a breath than spoke again "I - just-t can't do it anymore. It's been so hard without you, you were my rock.
We promised to always protect each other but I failed to do so and I hate myself for that... I'm sorry b-but I have no more option. I'll make every one of those fuckers regret ever doing this to you. I see mom trying to smile but I know the tears she hides behind it...
D-dad doesn't joke around or teases me, they spend most of the time in work to fade the pain away.. And I-I know it is all my fault--

I was cut of with the rapid beepings. Of the heart machine. I looked around pressing the red button.

Lucy came in a second later looking panicked and started checking H.

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