Chap 18 : Mission Accomplished

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Adrian pov :

This was a totally different side of her.

There was a playful glint in her eyes.

She snapped her fingers in front of me, taking me out of my daze.

"I was about to slap you, are you done dray dreaming?" She spoke in a playful tone.

Somehow this side of her made me feel warmth in my heart.

"so I was thinking that we should scare her, you know how scared she gets especially by clowns".

She said while nudging me.

Once again sparks came to life making our bond stronger.

She felt it too.

I saw her eyes widen, and her gaurd became slightly up again.

"That's a great idea, but I don't have any clown costume".

I said while collecting all the prank stuff into a bag.

Well I guess we don't need those anymore.

I'm an Alpha and who says Alphas have to be ruthless and cold.

"Well.. I'm an expert in scaring people, I used to scare my sister all the time".

She said in a softer tone, I could see a hint of sadness in her voice.

I didn't want to provoke anything so I stayed silent.

"ok.. So where's her bathroom show me they way mister ".

Opening the door on the left side of the room I entered the bathroom and stood across the mirror leaning against the wall.

"it's been a long time since I did this. Anyways while I'm doing my makeup let's go over with a plan" Harley spoke with a excited tone.

One word:Adorable

Back to Harleys pov :

We heard the jingling of the keys, followed by light footsteps.

Stopping just outside the room.

I nooded towards Adrian who was hiding in a dark corner .

I was under the bed, how I got under it is a long story.

Roni soon entered the room discarding her shoes.

She went to the closet, I guess to change.

But there was another person that came in with her.

Yes, unsurprisingly it was Sebestian.

Soon the lights were off and both of them were in the bed.

Cue the evil laugh.

Let's get started.

I throwed a shoe in the corner of the room.

Shortly after that Adrian released the red balloon, making it freely roam in the room.

Roni gasped.

"Seb, l-look, I told y-you nnot to watch these types of movies now I'm hallucinating."

I could hear the slight tremble in her voice.
"uhm babe, I don't think you're hallucinating I see it too".

Seb spoke to my surprise in a squeaky voice.

I was trying hard to stifle my laugh.

I slowly got out of bed, and crawled towards the foot of the bed.

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