Chap 13 : The Wolf

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I slammed the door shut gaining the attention of students around and some of them being my friends.

I caught they're eyes but shifted as Liam came towards me looking a lot worried.

I sighed.

I'm the soul reason everyone has  problems in their life.

“I'm sorry” I muttered looking anywhere but him.

“Hey.. Hey look at me.” Liam said with a gentle voice coming a little closer to me.

“I know what's going in that pretty little head of yours, and trust me what happened yesterday wasn't your fault or anything by that means. Sweetheart please just don't beat yourself for this” Liam said taking me in a hug.

I swear I heard a animalistic growl.

Shaking the feeling off, I nodded towards Liams words but remained silent.

Soon my two best friends joined.

“Liammm!” They both squealed and hugging him too tightly.

The poor boy was out of oxygen, for his benefit I peeled them off him.

His face washed with relief as he gave me a grateful nod.

“Girls I know I'm a  attractive hunk but don't get too distracted by my attractiveness and  give me a space to breath.” Liam said smirking at them.

Em just scoffed while Roni rolled her eyes.

Its just the usual Liam to which we are used to.

“so.. Who are you? wanna introduce him to us?” Seb said raising a. eyebrow, casting a look directly at Roni.

Oooh someones jealous.

I am Liam and you are? ” Liam said introducing himself, that sly bitch he already knows them ofcourse through us.

I rolled my eyes looking knowingly at Em and Roni.

I giggled remembering that Noah knew about Em's previous crush on Liam.

As he protectively snaked an arm around her waist.

That made Liam bend towards my ear as I saw Adrian shift a little closer.

“that's the guy Em talks about all the time?” Liam said whispering.

I nodded.

Liam pulled his eyebrows together, wiggling them playfully.

Em punched him  tackling him to the ground.

Roni stepped in between them when Liam messed with Roni's hair.

“Honey, how many times do I have to tell you don't mess with my hair?” Roni shouted while huffing.

I shook my head at their antics, still childish as always.

I walked towards them grabbing both girls off Liam, making them stand far away.

I brushed his hair to make it look a little presentable.

In return the dildo patted my hair.

Then I just punched him.

No touching my hair.

“ow ow you bitch can you stop punching me, wasn't it enough in the gym?! ”

Liam spat glaring at me.

“babe but I was having fun at the gym you said it didn't hurt. Guess you ain't a man after all”
I spoke batting my eyelashes at him.

Roni and Em murmured a 'burn'

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