47:confession And Heartbones

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Adrian's pov :

(day 1)

"Hey cupcake, I've been here beside you all day. Yet I still miss you.

A hug for you means I need you,a kiss for you means I love you, a call for you means I'm missing you.

(Beth Obedoza)

I'm calling for you cupcake, come back to me"I whispered looking at her lying there on the hospital bed. Completely lifeless.

The pack doctors said she would wake up today but she didn't.

(Day 2)

"I miss you dearly cupcake.
My heart aches,
My head is lost,
I really fucking miss you" My voice cracked.

I kissed her cold hand. She'll wake up.

(day 3)

"I'm a big mess right now cupcake. Without you I'm a fucking mess and that's the last thing you'll need when you wake up but this mess loves you endlessly.

Wake up, please. I can't live like this."

(Day 4)

"I can't say how much I like you and how special you are to me because words can't describe it but when I'm with you my world is full of smiles" I whispered once again my subtle touching her fragile hands.

I haven't left this rooms since she's been here.

Everyone comes here daily leaving flowers and messages for her.

Roni and Em stay in the evening while I work on that fucking asshole who raised my sweet cupcake.

He hurt her and now I hurt him.

In the most painful fucking way.

"Cupcake, wake up. Alot has happend since you fell asleep. Wake up and show me those beautiful eyes, give me that smile that makes my heart stop beating yet its the reason it's alive right now"

(Day 5)

"you are near me cupcake, even though you're unconscious and can't talk you are here with me, even if you are somewhere far way, you are in my heart, in my thoughts, in my life. Always.

C-cameron found Heather cupcake. Your sister is doing fine. I'm sure you miss her dearly. Wake up for her. Wake up for me. Yes I'm your mate who failed to protect you from this tainted world but please wake up. I won't make broken promises but I'll be here with you, beside you. I'll help you, always."

(Day 6)

"You know I was sitting beside you. Right here when I thought of something.

In French you don't say 'I miss you'

You say 'Tu me manques'

Which means 'you are missing from me'

And I fucking love that.

My heart is shouting your name cupcake it's sad. It's really really sad. It's feels as if my heart has bones and you can heart it cracking with the ticking second. It's feels as if my heart has bones now. Heartbones."

(p.s:I love colleen hoover)

(day 7)

"I never told you this because I knew you'd get your gaurd up and be a blushing mess but cupcake when you used to look me in the eye, I could feel how much you loved me.

Or was it that you liked my eyes so much. Remember when we went to that chicks party amd you girls got a tattoo. That night cupcake, you told me you absolutely loved my eyes. Even though that is just a part of me. I could feel my heart pumping so loudly. I wanted to kiss you until we were breathless. I wanted to take you away from this world, I should've. But that's too late  now isn't it? " I cried sniffing as Roni wrapped her arms around me her eyes puffy.

I miss you mom. I - I wish you were here.
Its a really short chapter but I won't make yall wait for long. ;)

And I miss harley :(

Some of the quotes are from Google. I love Google.

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