Chapter 32: Forgiveness

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“I’ve got nothing to say to you.” Brittany said.

“Please just hear me out Brittany..What happened was a misunderstanding.” Adam said.

“Bullshit. If it was a misunderstanding why didn’t you pull away from that bitch?” Brittany asked.

“He was..we just didn’t notice it because of the rage.” Luke said.

“Luke? You’re taking his side?!” Brittany said.

“After he explained what had happened, I believed and apologized to him. Please Brittany just hear him out. For me.” Luke gives her the puppy eyes.

Brittany flinches at the cuteness. “Damn you and those puppy eyes.” She said, turning to face Adam.

“You got 5 minutes.” Brittany said. Adam started to explain what happened on that night.


“ can’t be serious..right?” Brittany asked.

“Dead serious.” Adam said. “Ha..haha..That fucking woman.” Brittany said.

“We’ll get to her soon Brittany but for now..I need to talk to Connie..” Adam said.

“You can’t she won’t anyone get near her except me and Luke.” Brittany said. "She even said it too" Brittany said.

Luke nodded, "She said 'I don't ever want him coming near me again'while she was crying." Luke said.

"I get it." Adam said

“That’s why we’re planning on getting them together at the school festival.” Luke said.

Brittany gasps as she hears that. “Ohhhh that’ll be so romantic!!” Brittany said.

“That’s what I said!” Luke said. “Okay you two calm down.” Adam laughs. Everyone exchanges a few laughs after that.

“Hey Adam?” Brittany said. “Yeah?” Adam said. Brittany walks up to Adam and hugs him.

“I’m sorry for not believing you..” Brittany said.

“Heh..It’s okay.” Adam said, hugging her back. Luke walks over and joins the hug.

“Just as long as you two are with me and’ll be okay.” Adam smiles.

“Always man.” Luke said. Brittany nods in agreement. They let each other go and sit down.

“ how are we gonna do this?” Adam asked.

“Well since our class is helping with the festival, we can prioritize in getting Connie to talk with you.” Brittany said.

”You two can talk in a private place, like in a classroom where you both can view the fireworks. SO ROMANTIC!!” Luke said fanboying.

Brittany laughs, “That or maybe somewhere more romantic..Ehhh we’ll figure it out when that time comes.” Brittany said.

“I’m just glad that we’re back together. Almost.” Adam said.

“Now that we’re all on good terms. I’m gonna head back to Connie.” Brittany said, walking to the door.

“See you soon Brittany.” Luke waved. “You too!” She said as she walked out of the classroom.

“I’m gonna head back to. The festival is in 2 days so we have time to prepare.” Luke said as he walked to the door.

“Alright. I’ll see you soon.” Adam waved. “Hey. We’re gonna do this. Promise.” Luke gave Adam a thumbs up.

“I know.” Adam said. Luke closed the door behind him.

“I know we will..” Adam mumbled to himself. I miss you Connie..


“Class please don’t forget about the festival which is happening 2 days before new year's day. We are all gonna be helping out so prepare.” The teacher said.

“Ugh we know..” One student said. “Shut up and suck it up!” The teacher said.

The students grabbed their bags and walked out of the classroom towards their houses.

“See you tomorrow students.” The teacher said.

Adam walks past the schoolgate and towards his house.

As Adam is walking to his house he spots Connie on the other side of the sidewalk. Connie!

“C-Connie!” Adam said, waving. She looks over to Adam for a few seconds, then starts running to her house as she starts to tear up.

“Damn it..I shouldn't have done that..'' Adam said. So stupid. Just keep walking home.

I miss your much. Adam walks up to his house and opens the door.

“Hey mom I’m home.” Adam said. “SWEETIEEEE!” Julia said as she ran to her son with her eyes full of tears.

“Mom? Why are you crying?” Adam asked.

“I’m so sorry what happened yesterday! Will Connie ever visit us again?!” Julia said balling her eyes out.

“Mom it’s okay! She will visit us again. Me and the others have a plan.” Adam smiled.

“Others? You mean you made up with Luke and Brittany” Julia asked.

“I did Mom, but I don’t know how to talk with Connie with all this so me and the others are planning to suprise her at the festival.” Adam said.

“Oh that’s lovely!” Julia said, clapping her hands.

“Heh back to her useaul mood.” Adam said.

“Alright well I’m gonna head up to my room and start planning. Love you mom.” Adam said.

“Love you too son, I know you’ll get her back!” Julia said.

I hope so, I miss her so damn much..Adam walks in his room and sits down on the bed.

He takes off his bag and puts it by his door. Don’t worry Connie, I’ll be by your side again.

Then this whole thing will be over and we can be happy.

Alright let’s do this!

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