Chapter 1: Long Time, No See!

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"Haha, what a fucking loser! You can't even defend yourself with multiple kids kicking your ass." The kid says as he pushes another kid to the ground. Do you see that kid who just got pushed and has a couple of bruises? 

Yeah, that's me. My name's Adam Dewit, and I'm going to be honest with you: I don't like my life.

"Shut the hell up, you damn shit for brains!!" Adam gets back up and punches the kid in the face, causing the kid to stumble backward and fall on his back. 

"Ahhh! Let's get out here! You ain't seen the last of me, Dewit!" The kid screams as he runs away. Now, you're probably thinking, 

"Adam you just kicked this dude's ass why do you hate your life, you stood up for yourself." Well, here comes one of the reasons.

"Mr. Dewit, it seems you haven't learned your lesson for fighting in the office. Now," a teacher said to him. 

"Ugh...Fine," Adam says, walking with the teacher. Yea..I get blamed for simply defending myself. Shitty right? But what makes it worse is that it's every day. 

People at this school either provoke me, which causes me to fight them, or they start fighting me, and I have to defend myself. And what you saw there wasn't even today; that was yesterday.

Now, here's today. The alarm goes off the following day. 

"Another day, another..something.." Yawned Adam as he handled his morning duties. A couple of minutes passed, and he got a call from the school, most likely about his behavior at school. 

"Ugh, this again?" I hate that school. I'd drop out if I could, but my mom keeps telling me to stay in.

Ever since dad...passed away, I promised myself to always be there for my mom, even if it meant staying in that piece of shit school. 

Adam picks up the phone and answers it, "Hello?" He says. 

"Mr. Dewit...It's the principal. After school today, I want you to come to my office. There's something we need to discuss, " he says.

Adam sighs, "Yeah, alright." Adam says as he hangs up the phone and starts to make breakfast. He was making eggs and bacon. 

It's been 15 minutes, and the eggs and bacon are done. Adam sets up a plate for himself and starts eating.

"I'm an amazing chef, my gomd," Adam says with his mouth full. 

After he's done, he washes his plate and makes another for his mom; he sets the plate on the table and leaves a note that says, 'Off to school, I made you breakfast, Love you -A.'

With that, he leaves his house, closes the door, and walks to school.

Adam looks up at the sky. It's partly cloudy, but the weather is nice, and has a slight breeze. 

Adam sighs, "Love the wind in my face." Along the way, he overhears laughter and sees what's happening, only to find a girl being pushed around. "What's going on?" Adam looks from afar. 

"God, you're such a damn freak. What? Can't say anything 'cause you're deaf?" The dude says, pushing the girl.

The girl didn't say anything..she just smiled at them.

I don't think I've seen her; she must be new. 

"Fucking freak!" The dude says as he pushes her to the ground.

"Hey, buddy! How about you lay off her, you piece of shit." Adam walks up and punches the guy who pushed her to the ground as hard as he could, causing the dude to fall. 

"Ugh! You son of a bitch!" He says. "Alright, dude, you have two choices. One, You could walk away right now and never touch her again, or B, you can continue to push this girl around, and I'll be by her side to kick the living shit out of you. Which do you want?" Adam smiles at the guy as he cracks his knuckles.

 "A! I-I choose A, just don't hurt me, man." Adam picks up the guy and slightly slaps his cheek with a smile.

"Good, now get the fuck outta my sight," Adam says. The guy runs off at the speed of light. 

"Tch, scumbag." Adam holds his hand to the girl, "Are you alright?" The girl looks at him briefly but immediately covers her face.

"Hey's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you," Adam says, helping her out. He looks at her, and he notices multiple bruises on her arms and face. 

Dammit..if only I'd gotten here sooner, I could've helped quicker.

"What's your name?" Adam asks her. The girl tilts her head as if she's confused.

"Um...Oh shit, wait." Adam says; he grabs a notebook and pen from his bag and writes down something.

He shows it to the girl, and it reads, 'Are you alright?' She nods and smiles. 

She's...deaf? Adam writes again in his notebook and shows it to her. It reads, 'You can't hear me, can you?' She looks at him and shakes her head, ' No. ' Oh god, that's terrible. 

 He writes something again and shows it to her. It reads, 'What's your name?' She suddenly starts making hand gestures. "She knows sign language. Huh. That's good."

Luckily, I know sign language. I asked my mom if we could learn sign language, and she agreed; luckily, she never asked why. With her hands, she said her name was Connie Amana. 

Adam gasps, "I know that name. You're from elementary school, right? The girl who just moved there," Adam says in sign language. Connie nods, smiling. 

Oh god..she was the girl who constantly got bullied...and...I only sat there and watched.

No one helped her Because everyone thought she was a freak.

Fuck...I feel so bad for Connie; if only I could've helped her back in the day. 

"I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Adam. Adam Dewit? We went to the same elementary school," Adam says in a sign. She looks at Adam, observes his face, and gasps. 

"Oh! Yea, I remember you! You were a few seats behind me!" Connie says in sign.

Wow, she remembers me, I'm glad.

"Would you like to walk to school together, Connie?" Adam said in a sign. She nodded rather quickly and smiled at him.

With that, they started walking towards the school. 

But fuck..what those scumbags did back in elementary school with her, it was...unforgivable.

I'm already starting to remember how it all went down.

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