Chapter 14: In Heaven

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"Okay, so I have a question," Adam said. "Yeah, what's up?" Luke asked. "Why are there so many dudes in this bath?!" Adam asked, looking around. 

Everyone went to the bathhouse to get cleaned up for the day. "I mean... what do you expect? There are two bathhouses for boys and girls, and I'm pretty sure the guys here wouldn't want to have their whole bodies broken when going to the other one," Luke said. 

"True...I bet you're sad not to see Brittany naked, huh?" Adam laughed. "You shut your pie hole, damn it!" Luke said. "Hey, it's not my fault you love her," Adam smirked. 

"SHUT YOUR DAMN PIE HOLE I DO NOT LIKE HER!!" Luke said, running around the bathhouse. "DUDE! If you're going to run around, don't do it bare ass naked!" Adam said. 

"Sorry, sorry!" Luke got back into the bath. "Anyway, what do you think we gonna do today?" Luke asked. 

"I don't know. The teacher hasn't told us yet," Adam said. We're going to the lake!" the teacher said. 

Every guy screams in the bathroom, "Why is he in here?! " a student says. "Get him out, get him out!" another student says. 

"Calm down, people. I got clothes on. Jeez, " the teacher said. "Anyway, you said we're going to the lake today?" Luke asked. 

"That's right! Since it's rather hot today, We are all going to the lake!" The teacher said. After he said that, the boys celebrated in sweet victory.

"We get to see the girls in bikinis! This is the best day ever!" One student said. "I hope I get to see all the girls!" Another student said. 

"Oh god.." Adam said. "Yeah, all these guys talking about girls in bikinis. Such nastiness." Luke said. 

"You literally can not talk. You want to see Brittany in one," Adam said. That may be true, but you also want to see Connie in one. 

So you can't talk either," Luke said. The two of them looked at each other. "Today's going to be a good day!" everyone said, including Adam and Luke.


"Ugh...How far is this lake?" Brittany yawned. "Yea! We've been walking for 15 damn minutes!" Adam said. 

"Calm down all of you, We're almost there." The teacher said. "I've never walked this far. My legs hurt." Connie said in sign. 

"Don't worry. Hopefully, we'll be there in a minute." Brittany said in sign. "I can't go on...Go without me. I won't make it.." Adam said. 

"Oh, hell no. You are not giving up! Not yet!" Luke said. The teacher pointed to the students and said, "Here we are, students. " The students gasped in amazement. 

The lake was so beautiful and colorful. "Wow.." Adam said. "The lake has a bright blue color to it.." Brittany said. 

"Alright, everyone. Are you ready to have fun today?" the teacher asked. "Yeah!" the students yelled. "Let's go, " the teacher said. 

All the students ran down to the lake to set up everything. "When everyone's ready to change, we have a changing room for both boys and girls, " the teacher said. 

Adam walks into the changing room, changes into his swimming trunks, and looks at himself in the bathroom. 

"God, I'm so pale.." Adam said. 

Maybe that's one of the reasons no one likes you...You fuc- 

"Nope. Shut up. Not today!" Adam said. 

Adam opens the changing room and walks out. "You're up, Luke, " Adam says. "Alright, thanks." Luke walks into the changing room. 

Adam grabs a chair and sits down. "Man, what a trip so far!" Adam looks up at the sky. "Yeah, it's been fun, " Brittany says. 

"Oh, hey, Brittany," Adam said. Is this bikini too short for me?" Brittany asked. "Nah," Adam said. Alright, I'm done. Who's up ne? " Luke turned to face Brittany. 

"Oh hey, Luke! Are you ready for the lake?" Brittany asked. Luke stares blankly at Brittany. "Luke?" Brittany said. 

Luke falls back on the sand, his nose bleeding. "Luke! Are you alright?" Brittany asks. "Heheh...Yes, I am Ms. Angel. Are you here to take me to heaven? " Luke asks. 

Brittany laughs, "Yeah, sure, lover boy." Brittany said. Adam sighs. "Come on, let's get that blood off your face." Adam starts picking up Luke. 

"Hey, Adam!" Connie says in a sign, poking him. "Hm?" Adam says in sign. "Brittany picked this out for me; what do you think?" Connie asks in sign. 

Adam stares at Connie blankly and falls on the sand with his nose bleeding. "A-Adam?!" Connie said in sign. 

"Oh, they'll be fine, Connie. Come on, let's go to the water!" Brittany said in the sign. "Are you sure they'll be okay?" Connie asked in the sign. 

"Yeah, I'm sure!" Brittany says in the sign, smiling. "Well, it's alright if you say so; come on!" Connie says in the sign, grabbing Brittany's hand and running to the water. 

Adam and Luke are lying on the sand, both of their noses bleeding. "Luke.." Adam said. "Yeah, man..?" Luke asks. 

"We're in heaven," Adam smiled. "Yes, yes, we are," Luke said. They high-fived each other and slowly got up. 

"Alright, let's get the blood off our faces and go have some fun," Adam said. Yeah, Pray to God, our noses don't do it again," Luke said. 

They both wipe their noses with a rag and run towards the lake. 


"Alright, everyone. It's time to head back! Grab your things, and let's get going, " the teacher said. The group grabbed their belongings and started walking back with the rest of the students. 

"You..just had to jinx us.. your ass.." Adam said, wiping his nose. "It's not my fault Brittany looks hot! Same with Connie, you were all over here too!" Luke said. 

"True...Damn your nose!" Adam said. "Alright, calm down, you two," Brittany said. "Did you guys have fun?" Connie asks in sign. 

"Yeah, I had fun!" Adam said in a sign. My nose didn't, though. "Same here," Luke said in a sign. Everyone made it back into the building. 

"See you guys tomorrow!" Brittany said, waving bye at the boys. "Yeah, see ya!" Luke said, waving bye back. Adam and Connie hugged goodbye. 

"Goodnight, Connie!" Adam says in a sign, waving. "Sweet dreams, Adam!" Connie says in a sign, waving back. "Man, what a day! " Adam says. 

"You said it, and I think our noses might be broken," Luke said. Adam and Luke laughed as they opened the door. 

They see multiple guys lying down or standing up, talking to one another. The both of them lay down on their sleeping bags. 

"Are you ready for tomorrow's last day?" Luke asked. Yeah, I'm ready to go back," Adam said. "Ya know...This could be your shot," Luke said. 

Adam looked at Luke. "What do you mean?" Adam asked. "Telling Connie how you feel," Luke said. Oh yeah, that. Wait, what?" Adam said. 

"Think about it. You and her are finally alone. You can tell her how you feel," Luke said. I mean, yeah, but..." Adam said. 

"But what?" Luke asked. "Wouldn't it be more special if it was in a spot where I don't know..means something?" Adam asked. 

"Dude, it really doesn't matter where you tell her, just as long as you tell her how you feel about her. It will light her world up," Luke said. 

"You think so?" Adam asked. "I know so." Luke patted Adam's back and went into his sleeping bag. The lights went out, and everyone went into their sleeping bags. 

Except for Adam. Telling her, huh..? Hm..Fuck it, I'm doing it. Tomorrow. Because I'm too tired to get up right now. 

Adam goes into his sleeping bag, closes his eyes, and smiles big as he slowly drifts off into sleep.

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