Chapter 13: Never Look Down

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"I can't believe I'm doing this.." Adam said. All the students are in a line above the treeline. They are about to zip back to the building they're staying at. 

"Are you scared?" Luke asked. "No! I just...Well, I used to be scared of heights when I was a kid, but that's not the point!" Adam said. 

"It's because none of us have done this before," Brittany said. "Exactly!" Adam said. Connie is holding onto Adam, closing her eyes. 

"Are you scared, too, Connie?" Adam asks in sign language. Connie nods. " And you're holding onto me because you think you might fall?" Adam says in sign language. Connie nods. 

"To be fair, She has every right to do that. She does lo-" Connie put her hands on Brittany's mouth, stopping her from talking. 

"Oh hey, look at that! You had something on your face!" Connie said in sign. "Get your hands off my face!" Brittany said in sign. "Ladies, ladies. Calm down." Luke said. 

"Shut up, lover boy!" Brittany said. Luke, with his head down in sadness, said, "It's okay. One day, she'll call you by your real name." Adam patted Luke's back. 

"One day.." Luke said. "Alright, next person up, please!" The teacher said. "Oh, crap. I'm up after this kid." Adam said. "Don't be such a baby; I'm sure you'll be fine," Luke said. 

"It's Easy for you to say, look how high we are!" Adam points down. They are above the tree line and right below the clouds. "Okay, yeah, you're right. Let's go back down now," Luke said.

 "Nope." Brittany grabs Luke by the shirt collar, making him unable to go down. "I beg of you, woman," Luke said.

"It's not happening, lover boy," Brittany said. Adam laughed. I guess you're not leaving. But since you tried, I might as well try, " Adam said, trying to get by the people behind him. 

Connie grabs Adam by the shirt and drags him back. "Please let me leave," Adam says in a sign. "If we're doing it, then so are you," Connie says in a sign. 

"Alright, Next person!" the teacher said. "Connie, please, I beg you. I don't wanna die over a treeline, " Adam said in a sign. 

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay. I'll be right behind you," Connie says in a sign. Adam looks at Connie, who has a serious look on her face.

"Promise?" Adam asked in sign language. "Promise, " Connie said in sign language. "Next up!" the teacher said. Adam took a deep breath and walked up to the zip line. 

"Put this on." The teacher handed him a helmet. Adam puts on the helmet, "Why do I need this?" Adam asked the teacher. 

"Just in case you fall, " the teacher said. How could he say it so calmly?! The teacher hooked Adam up to the zip line. 

"Are you ready?" the teacher asks. "Not really, no, " Adam says. "Alright, good luck!" The teacher pushes Adam off the wooden platform. 

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!! Adam holds the rope tightly, Hoping that it won't break. Adam looks down and sees nothing but trees. 

"Why do I always look down!! Damn it!" Adam yells. It starts going faster every minute. "Oh god. This isn't going to end well!" Adam says, bracing for impact. 

Adam reaches the bottom at rabid speed, Causing him to fly out of his harness. "SHIIIIIIT!" Adam screams. 

He lands back first on the ground and stares at the sky. "Adam! You okay?" Connie says in a sign, running over to him. 

"Is...Is this heaven?" Adam says in sign. Adam looks at Connie, "Are you an angel?" Adam asks in sign. 

Connie turns beet red, "N-No! I'm Connie, the girl wondering if you're okay." Connie says in sign. 

"Wai,t I'm still on Earth?" Adam says in sign. "Yeah, you are," Luke said. "Damn it.." Adam puts his arms over his eyes. 

"It was hilarious, though. You were panicking so much," Brittany laughs. Ah, you shut it. My life flashed before my eyes. I think I'm paler than usual, " Adam says. 

"It looks like you saw a ghost," Luke said. Connie helped Adam up to his feet. "Are you okay, though?" Connie asked in a sign. 

"Yea. I'm alright. Thanks," Adam says in a sign. Soon after that, every student is back by the building, waiting for the teacher to speak. 

"Alright, everyone. Did you all have fun?" the teacher asked. "Yeah!" the students said. Alright now, for the rest of the day, Do what you want. BUT! Don't go too far. Be back here at 8, " the teacher said. 

With that, the students started running or walking around. "Alright, what do you guys wanna do?" Luke asked. 

"Sleep," Adam said. "Seriously?! You sleep all the time!" Luke said. "As true as that may be, I will always be tired," Adam said. 

"Dude. Do you stay up like this all the time?" Brittany asked. "Maybe," Adam said. "ARE YOU A DAMN ROBOT OR SOMETHING?!" Luke said. 

"Beep boop," Adam said. "Let's go explore the building first!" Connie said in sign. 

"That's true; we haven't seen everything in there yet," Adam said in sign. "Alright, let's go," Luke said. 


The group walked into the building and explored every inch of it. "Holy shi, Adam!" Luke said. What is it?" Adam asked. 

"There IS a huge bath!" Luke said. Okay. And?" Adam said. We can look at the girls!!" Luke said. Adm stared at Luke for a good five minutes. 

Adam slaps Luke on the cheek. "Jesus. You are such a creep." Adam said. "Owwww! So rude!" Luke said. 

"How am I rude?! You were the one who wanted to look at the girls naked!" Adam said. "What was that?" Brittany said, smiling. 

"N-NOTHING!" Luke said. "Nothing, my ass, I heard all of it. You're coming with me." Brittany grabs Luke and drags him away. 

"Thanks, Brittany," Adam said. "You're not even gonna save me?!" Luke yells. Adam shrugs his shoulders and walks to Connie. 

"So cruel," Luke said. So what did you find?" Adam asked in sign language. Well, I found where the girls are going to be sleeping, and the same goes for the boys, " Connie said in sign language. 

"Oh, cool. How are we going to be sleeping?" Adam asked in sign language. "In sleeping bags on the floor, " Connie said in sign language. 

Adam looks down on the floor, "Are they trying to kill our backs.." Adam said in sign. Connie pats Adam's back. 

"There there," Connie said in sign language. "Alright, come on guys, it's getting pretty late," Brittany said. Luke looked out of the window; the sun was setting. 

"Yeah, she's right. Let's go to our sections." Luke said. "See you guys in the morning!" Brittany said. "Sleep well, you two!" Adam said. 

Before they walked away, Connie ran up to Adam and hugged him. "Good night, Adam! Sweet dreams." Connie said in sign. 

"Good night, Connie," Adam says in a sign, hugging her back. I'll see you guys tomorrow, " Adam says, waving them goodbye. 

Everyone waved bye and went to their sections of the building. "My time has finally come," Adam said. 

"Ah, yes. To sleep." Luke said, opening the door to their room with many other guys on the floor. "Exactly. Now, if you'll excuse me." Adam flopped on his sleeping bag and closed his eyes. 

Luke laughs, "If only you can admit your feelings to her, " he says, lying on his sleeping bag. 

Soon after that, the lights in the building turned off, and everyone closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

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