Chapter 6: Cheating

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"I met her over a year ago.." Adam said in sign.


I was 15 years old when I met her. I was on my way to school when I saw a girl getting harassed by some dude. 

"Hey, girl...Do you want to come home with me? I can show you a good time." A guy said. "Get off me, you fucking fat meatball!" A girl yelled. 

I can't ignore this; I have to step in. "Hey, buddy!" Adam said. Eh? What do you want, kid?" the man said. 

"How about you lay off her, you fucker." Adam said, walking over to them. "Oh? And what are you gonna do about it? Punch me?" The man laughs. 

Adam puts his hand on the man's shoulder and smiles at him. "Thanks for the idea; I'll take up that offer." Adam punches the man right in the jaw, causing the man to stumble backward. 

"Urgh! You little bastard!" The man said. "Yeah I don't have a dad, that doesn't affect me, gramps. Now go before I hit you again." Adam said. 

"Tch! Whatever." The man walks away. Adam looks at the girl. "You alright?" Adam asks. "Yea, fucking shithead tried to get me back to his place. Thanks for the save." She said. 

"No problem, I'm Adam," Adam said. "Amber, nice to meet you," Amber said. "Now, in service to help you, how about I take you out for a drink?" Adam laughs.

"Oh wow, Now that's smooth." Amber laughs. "Aw come on! How about it?" Adam asks. Amber smiles. 

"Sure." She said. That's how we met; from then on, we kept talking and hanging out. It got to the point where I caught feelings for her. 

So I told her. Adam walks up to Amber. "Hey, Amber?" Adam said. "Oh hey, Adam! What's up?" Amber said. 

"Um...I know you, and you have been hanging out and talking for a couple of months now, and I just wanted to ask you if I—" "Yes." Amber interrupted. 

"Huh? But I didn't finish," Adam said. "I don't care. I like you too," Amber said. Amber grabbed Adam and kissed him. 

Adam was surprised and kissed back. After a couple of minutes, they let each other go. 

"Now we're dating," Amber said. Awesome!" Adam laughed. Now, Amber and I were dating. We were a couple of weeks into our relationship. 

Then I saw it. Adam was meeting Amber by the bench outside of school. "Hey, Am—" Adam stopped talking. 

Cause he saw Amber kissing some other dude. "What the fuck?!" Adam yelled. Amber jumped, 

"AH! Adam! I-It's not what it looks like!" Amber said. "Oh, you shut the fuck up, you bitch." Adam ran off. 

Amber followed Adam and kept yelling for him to stop running. "Adam, please wait!" Amber yelled. Eventually, Adam stopped and turned around, facing Amber. 

"What," Adam asked. "Please give me another chance. I promise I won't kiss another man other than you." Amber hugs Adam from behind. 

 Adam turns to look at Amber. "You promise?" Adam asked. Amber nods vigorously. "Okay... Fine." Adam said. 

From then on, Amber and I have kept dating. The only thing is that I kept catching her kissing or doing shit with another dude over...and over...and over again.


"It kept happening until the end of last year, and I told her I was done with her and walked away," Adam said in sign. 

"Wow...I'm so sorry, Adam; I can't imagine dealing with such a horrible person." Connie said in sign. 

"Yea..Well, it's over and done with. Thank god." Adam chuckled. "I just have one question," Connie said in sign. 

"And I have an answer," Adam said in a sign. "Why did you keep going back to her? Even though you knew what type of person she was?" Connie asked in a sign.

 "Huh.Good question." Adam said in a sign. I guess...It's because I was desperate." Desperate?" Connie said in a sign. 

"Yea. I just wanted to know that someone was by my side and always there, and to just actually care about me, I guess," Adam said in a sign. 

Connie looked at Adam, "Oh, Adam..." Connie said in sign. "But luckily that's over now," Adam said in sign. 

Connie holds Adam's hand and looks at him. "C-Connie?" Adam says in a sign. Listen to me. There will always be someone who will care about you and love you for who you are, no matter what." Connie says in a sign. 

"Yea... like who?" Adam asks in sign language. "Me, " Connie says in sign language with a serious look. "Heh...So you love me?" Adam asks in sign language. 

Connie took a second to realize what she said. She blushes bright red. "H-Huh?!" Connie says in sign. 

Adam laughs, "Calm down you tomato, I'm just teasing you." Adam said in sign. "Y-you MEANIEEEEEE!" Connie lightly punches Adam in the arm. 

Adam laughs. Besides, no one loves me—apart from my mom, of course, but she doesn't count. I mean, come on. Who could fall for someone like me? 

Adam looks at his hand; Connie's still holding onto it. Heh...This is nice. "Thanks, Connie...I needed this, " Adam says in a sign.

"Of course, I'll always be here for you, " Connie says in sign and smiles. By the way...I forgot to ask, but where are Luke and Brittany?" Adam asks in sign. 

"Oh! I think they're over there," Connie says in a sign, pointing towards where they are. Adam turns around and sees Luke and Brittany watching them from afar. 

"What...are they doing?" Adam asked in sign. "I..actually don't know," Connie said in sign. "Oh shit! Do they see us?" Luke said. 

"Dude, they're looking right at us. Of course, they do," Brittany said. "Right. I knew that." Luke said. "Come on, this is the part where they kiss!" Brittany said. 

"Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!!!" Luke and Brittany said in sync. Adam and Connie stared at them. "They do realize we can hear them, right?" Adam said in a sign. 

"I don't think so," Connie said in sign. "Guess we gotta kiss since they want it, C'mere Connie," Adam says in sign. "H-HUH?! EEEEEK!!" Connie says in sign. 

After hearing him say that, her face turned into a tomato. Adam laughed, "Oh... you should see your face now!" Adam says in a sign. 

"Y-you... jerk!" Connie says in a sign, lightly punching Adam's arm. "Alright, alright, I'll stop...Whew, that was funny, " Adam says in the sign. 

Connie crosses her arms with a pout face. fucking adorable. I mean, what? "Come on, let's go back to them," Adam says in sign. 

Connie nods and follows Adam back. I'm glad I got that off my chest...It feels good.

They don't care about you...You're just a burden...

Huh? What was that?... It must've been my imagination.

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