Chapter 39: Hospitalised

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“Mm..ugh..” Adam mumbled. “Oh he’s awake guys!” Luke said.

“Adam!” Brittany said. “Ow..damn..where am I?” Adam asked.

“We’re at the hospital, the doctors are treating you and Connie.” Luke said.

“Where’s Connie..? I wanna see her.” Adam said, trying to get out of bed but he’s too weak.

“Hey hey! Don’t get outta bed yet. Connie’s okay, she’s in another room. The doctors say that she doesn’t have any bad injuries, all she really has are some bruises from getting punched. “ Brittany said.

“What about that asshole I fought?” Adam asked.

“In a police car, along with Amber.” Luke said.

Adam sighs with relief, but he still tries to get out of the bed.

“Dude! You’re gonna hurt yourself, just get back in bed.” Luke said.

“Not until I see Connie..” Adam said as he sits himself up and gets out of bed.

“That’s so like you, always looking out for others before yourself..” Brittany said.

Adam smiles, “You know it.” Adam said.

He starts walking towards the closed door and slowly opens it.

“What room did you say she was in?” Adam asked.

“The one right across from you.” Luke said.

“Thanks man.” Adam said as he winces from he’s broken arm which is in a cast.

Connie please be okay. Adam opens the door and sees Connie watching TV.

“Connie!” Adam smiles. Connie turns to the door and forms a big smile on her face.

“Adam!” Connie said in sign. Adam wobbles over to her and hugs her.

“I’m so glad you’re safe..” Adam said in sign.

“It’s all thanks to you.. I love you so much.” Connie said in sign.

“I love you too.” Adam said kissing her cheek. Connie turns beet red.

“How are your injuries, nothing big right?” Adam asked in sign.

Connie shakes her head, “I only have a few bruises here and there so I should be fine. They say I’ll be discharged tomorrow.” Connie said in sign.

“Oh that’s great!” Adam said in sign, smiling.

“But you! Your arm is broken! That damn asshole..” Connie said in sign.

“Hey, I beat him so don’t worry, besides this is nothing but a flesh wound.” Adam said in sign, chuckling.

Connie smirks as she flicks Adam’s cast.

Adam’s face turned from a smile to a pain expression.

“Ow ow ow ow..” Adam mumbled. Connie laughed, “Flesh wound huh?” Connie said in sign.

“Okay now that’s not fair at all! Meanie.” Adam said in sign, pouting.

“Awww.. are you pouting?” Connie asked in sign.

“No I’m not!” Adam said in sign, turning beet red.

The door opens up and a doctor walks in.

“Oh sir! You should be resting, please go back to your room.” The doc said.

“But doc, I wanna be with her.” Adam said.

“I understand but you need to be resting, please.” The doc said. Connie grabs a hold of Adam’s arm.

“Hey, I’ll be okay. Once they let me walk around I’ll be by your side. I promise.” Connie said in sign, smiling.

“Alright!” Adam said in sign. Adam wobbles out of the door and back to his room.

“How is she?” Luke asked. “She’s great. She’ll be discharged tomorrow.” dam said.

“Isn’t tomorrow the new year's day?” Brittany said.

“'s new year's eve..?” Adam asked.

“I’m pretty sure it is, lemme check.” Luke said as he grabs his phone and checks on his calendar.

“Yep, it is.” Luke said. At that point, the group’s parents came swarming in the room.

“Ohhh my baby Adam!!!” Julia said as she hugs Adam tightly.

“Ah mom..can’t breath..but hi..” Adam said.

“I heard what happened, you fought someone?!” Julia asked.

“Yes mom, I won.” Adam said. “I also heard you did this to protect Connie, god I raised such a good hearted son.” Julia said.

Adam chuckles, “Thanks.” He said. After that, Janet comes walking in the room.

“Man there is not enough room for ya’ll.” Adam chuckles.

“Sorry we’ll be right by the door, C’mon mom.” Brittany said.

“Dad, follow me.” Luke said. They both leave the room with their parents.

“Adam..” Janet said. “Hey.” Adam said. “Thank you...for protecting her. I am forever grateful.” Janet said.

“Of course. I'll always be here for her.” Adam smiles.

“Hey Janet, where’s Lonnie?” Julia asked.

“Oh she’s talking with her big sister. They haven’t seen each other since the school festival.” Janet chuckled.

“I don’t know how to ever repay for what you’ve done Adam.” Janet said.

“You don’t have to ma’am. I’m just glad I was there to protect and be there for her.” Adam chuckles.

“I’ll bring her in here, I have a feeling you two wanna be with one another.” Janet said as she left the room.

“So the new year is tomorrow, are you excited?” Julia asked.

“I am. It’s a shame I can’t go anywhere till I get discharged.” Adam said.

“If that’s the case..why not spend it here?” Julia asked.

“That..doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Are you gonna join us?” Adam asked.

“Nah, I’ll hang out with Janet. But thanks for the offer, I think you guys need to spend time with each other.” Julia smiled.

“How thoughtful!” Adam said. Connie, Lonnie, and Janet all walk in Adam’s room.

“Hey beautiful.” Adam said in sign. Connie covers her face, trying to hide the big redness on her face.

“H-Hi..” Connie said in sign. The moms push Luke and Brittany in the room as well.

“Alright have fun you guys.” Julia said. “Later! Oh and happy new years!” Janet said as they close the door and walk with the other parents.

“Huh. I wasn't expecting that to occur.” Luke said.

“Same here.” Brittany said. “Guys I got an idea, Since we only have a few hours left of this year, let’s all just chill and hang out, then as soon as the final seconds come, we turn on the TV and count down.” Adam said in sign.

“That sounds like fun!” Connie said in sign.

“I’m in!” Luke said. “You already know I’m in.” Brittany said.

Adam smiles, “Then it’s settled! Time to finally chill.” Adam said. 

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