Chapter 31: All Alone

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The next day is here and Adam is on his way to school. By himself..for the first time in forever.

After what happened yesterday he doesn’t know what to do. “Damn it….” Adam mumbled.

What am I gonna do? I have to talk to Connie..But Brittany won’t let me near her after...what happend.

Fucking Amber...I shouldn’t have trusted her..UGH!! Adam kicks a piece of trash in anger as it floats away in the wind.

Adam walks past the school gates and into the school. He sees as some of the students look at him.

“Do you think that’s him?” A student asked. “I heard he cheated on Connie with the goddess Amber.” A student said.

“SHUT UP! All of you!” Adam said. The students kept quiet after he said that.

“Tch..I hate this crap..” Adam mumbled. Adam walked inside of his classroom and sat down.

I need to talk to Luke, explain what happened. As Adam’s thinking of what to do he sees a hand on his desk.

He looks up and sees Luke. “Luke?” Adam said. “Meet me at lunch. We’ll talk then.” He said as he walked away from Adam’s desk. 

Oh thank god..This will be over soon Connie..I promise.

“What’s with the sad face baby?” Someone said as they hugged Adam from behind.

“Hey get off!” Adam said, as he breaks free of the hug and turns around.

“Aww do you not like my hugs?” Amber smiles. Adam puts his hands on Amber’s desk and gives her a death glare, causing her to flinch.

“Listen you snot nose bitch. Don’t EVER talk to me or Connie or any of my friends! Do we understand each other?” Adam asked as he stared at Amber with this intense aura around him.

Amber flinches but smiles at him. “O-Of course! Anything for you!..Hehe…” Amber fell silent after that.

Adam turns back around and opens his bag for his homework.

Amber looks at her desk and smiles widely.

“Just you wait you damn bitch...the plan will be in motion soon…” Amber mumbled. 



“Alright class, have a good lunch period and remember that the school festival is right around the corner so we're all gonna be helping out.” The teacher said.

The students groan as the word ‘help’ comes out of the teacher’s mouth.

“Oh grow up!” The teacher said. Adam walks out of the classroom as Luke passes him and nods at Adam.

He nods back and picks up his pace to the lunch area.

Adam looks around, hoping to spot Luke. But nowhere to be found.

“Where the hell..” Adam said. At that moment, Adam gets grabbed and pulled into a classroom.

“AH! Who the..?!” Adam said, swinging his arms at whatever's got him.

“Man you’re hella off target. Even though your fists are right in my face.” Luke said.

He lets go of Adam. “Luke? What the hell?” Adam asked.

“What? I wanted to do it all dramatic style, not do the classic ‘psst over here’ that’s boring.” Luke said.

Adam sighs, “It’s fine.” He said. “Alright since we’re both here, Let’s talk.” Luke said.

The two of them sit down at a long desk and Adam explains what had happened. 

“Oh..oh damn..” Luke said. “Yeah.. I would never do that to Connie and I never will. I just need to find a way to talk to her..” Adam said.

“Hmm..I got it! The festival!” Luke said.

“Festival?” Adam said, confused. “The school festival dumbass! There will be a fireworks show and right then and there you can talk to her and if it comes down to it, you two can kiss and it’ll be so romantic!!” Luke fanboyed.

Adam chuckles,”That or you just wanna do that to Brittany.” Adam said.

“Oh shut up.” Luke said. “Seriously though..I like the idea. But what about Brittany?” Adam asked.

“I’ll have to tell her that I need to talk with her, then you’ll be waiting in a class and I’ll block the door so that way she can’t leave.” Luke said.

“You do realize she can easily bulldoze through you right?” Adam asked.

“That’s besides the point! This plan is foolproof. Plus, she doesn’t know that me and you are still talking.” Luke said.

“Okay okay..I think this can work.” Adam said.

“Told ya I make good plans.” Luke smiles.

“You didn’t say at all.” Adam laughed. “Luke.” Adam said.

“Yeah?” Luke asked. “Thanks. For listening to me. I didn’t think you would.” Adam said. Luke smiles.

“Of course man!” Luke said, as he pats Adam’s back.

Adam smiles, “Come on, let’s do this.” Adam said.

Luke nods and leaves the classroom, leaving Adam by himself. “You got this Luke.” Adam said. 

Luke walks out of the classroom and closes the door behind him.

“Okay, now I just need to find Brittany.” Luke said.

He walks along the lunch area, looking around to spot Brittany and Connie.

“Come on already..It’s so easy to spot them.” Luke said.

“Spot who?” Brittany said from behind Luke.

“GAH!! Holy shit!” Luke said jumping in fear.

Brittany giggles and smiles at Luke. “Hey Luke.” Brittany said.

“Jesus Brittany..scared the hell outta me.” Luke said.

“Yeah sorry about that. Anyway whatcha doing?” Brittany asked.

“Looking for you.” Luke said smoothly. “Uh huh. You do that all the time.” Brittany chuckles.

“No I mean I need to talk to you.” Luke said.

“Oh?” Brittant tilts her head with interest. Luke gestures Brittany to follow him and she does.

“So what is it you wanna talk about?” Brittany asked.

“You’ll see, we need to talk in private which is why we’re going in a classroom.” Luke said.

Luke opens the classroom door which Adam is in, Brittany walks in first but doesn’t spot Adam yet.

He is hiding behind a desk. Luke closes the door and holds his hands on the doorknob.

“So what is it?” Brittany asked. “I need you to turn around.” Luke said.

“Uh..why?” Brittany chuckled. “Because.” Adam said, walking out from behind the desk.

Brittany turns around and looks at Adam. “Adam?!” Brittany said.

“We..We need to talk.” Adam said. 

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