Chapter 9: #Littany

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"ADAM!!" A voice started shaking his bed. "H-HUH?! I'M UP! I'M UP!!" Adam frantically tried to get out of his bed. 

"Who the hell...what time is it?" Adam yawned. It's your mother, Adam, and it's already almost 8 in the morning. It's time to get up, " his mom said. 

"Damn, it..just five more minutes, Mom.." Adam said. "Nope! Not happening! Get up and put some cold water on your face." His mom grabs Adam and puts him in the bathroom. 

"Ehh..Fine.." Adam yawned. He turns on the sink and splashes some cold water on his face. "WOO! Damn, that's cold.." Adam said. 

Adam grabs some fresh clothes and washes up in the shower. Do you ever get that feeling after you get out of the shower that you just feel so refreshed and ready? 

That's how I am right now. "Ahhh..Now all I need is to eat breakfast and I'm good." Adam said. After he brushes his teeth, Adam walks downstairs and sits by the table. 

"You sleep well, honey?" his mom asked. Yeah, I slept well. Sorry about last night. I guess I was sleepwalking." Adam laughed. 

"Yeah, you were yelling about some random stuff last night, " his mom laughed. "Yeah... if only it were a dream. "So what's for breakfast?" Adam asked. 

"Oh! Well, I wanted to make something special, so I had an idea." His mom grabs his plate and places it on the table. 

"Introducing bacon pancakes!!" His mom said, dramatically revealing the plate. Adam looked at the plate. It was pancakes but with tiny pieces of bacon inside. 

"Uh... Mom? What is this?" Adam asked. Pancakes! But with bacon!" His mom said. Ah...Wait... Wait... Wait... Where do you get these ideas from?" Adam said with a confused look. 

"From the internet, " his mom smiled. Adam sighed, "Of course you did." He grabbed a fork and bit into the pancake. 

Adam gasps in awe. "Mhis is delimciomus!!" Adam said with his mouth full. "CHEW WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED!" His mom said. 

 Adam nodded frantically and continued chewing. After he had finished his breakfast, Adam grabbed his bag and opened the front door. 

"I'm going to go walk around, Mom! I love you!" Adam said. "I love you too, sweetie!" His mom said. Adam closed the door and breathed in the fresh air. 

"What a night.." Adam said as he felt his arm. No..I can't think about that! What should I do today... "Maybe I can hang out with Connie?" Shit, I don't know where she lives.." Adam said. 

Suddenly, Adam felt something on his shoulder. "What is that?!" Adam quickly turns around and sees Connie smiling at him. 

"Oh...Hey Connie." Adam says in sign. "Hey, Adam! How are you?" Connie asks in sign. "I'm fine, thanks for asking," Adam says in sign and yawns. 

"You seem sleepy," Connie says in sign. "Yeah, I didn't sleep much last night." Adam laughs. 

Connie notices his arm. "Oh, did you hurt yourself?" Connie says in sign language and points to his arm. 

"Oh, this? Yea, I fell, and my arm took the damage," Adam said. Please don't ask. Connie looked at Adam. 

"Well...I'm glad you're alright," Connie says in a sign and smiles. Whew... that's good. I didn't want her to worry. 

"Thanks, Connie. Since it's the weekend, do you want to hang out with the others?" Adam asks in sign language. "Sounds fun! I'll text them, " Connie says in sign language. 

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