Chapter 5: Bros In Science

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"Aw, man, this is awesome! We're in the same class, and we get to sit next to each other!" Adam said. Luke nodded, "Same here, bro!" Luke said. 

"So, bro, what do you think we're going to learn in science?" Adam asked. "Bro, I don't know. Maybe science stuff, bro." Luke Bro said. 

"Wait, bro. Why are we saying bro a lot?" Adam bro asked. Bro Luke shrugged. "I don't know, bro. It's just enjoyable to say, bro, a lot!" Luke Bro said. 

Just two bros just broing it out. "Bro, I'm excited for bro-ience class, bro," Luke said. 

"Bro, me too, bro," Adam said.


"Alright, bros, that was the bro bell. Every bro in their bro seats now, bro!" The bro teacher said. Every bro-dent sat down in their bro seat. 

"Okay, bros, so today's lesson, bros. We're gonna learn about... science, bro stuff. "Bro, I can't wait to learn, bro! " one bro said. 

"Yeah, me too, bro! " another bro said. Hey, all you bros are sitting in the bro seats. I wanna say I love all of you, bros." Adam bro said. 

All the bros looked at Adam. " Aww, bro, we love you too, bro, " the brodents said. 

"Come on, bro, let's all bro out!" Luke said. 

Every bro agreed and started dancing to bro music. Every bro was just having a bro time. Bro bro bro bro BRO BRO BRO BRO!!

"Adam? Adam, wake up, dude!" Luke said. "H-huh?! BRO?!" Adam said. 

"Dude, are you alright? You were sleeping for about 10 minutes, saying bro a lot." Luke laughed. 

"Ah..shit...Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a weird dream." Adam said. 

"Alright, well, no more dozing off, yea? Gotta focus up, bro." Luke said. Adam looked Luke dead in the eye. "Whoa! Adam?" Luke asked. 

"Don't ever say that word again. Not after what I just experienced.." Adam shivers. Luke laughs, 

"Got it, dude," Luke said. Jesus..What a weird dream that was. "So, how was class?" Luke asks. 

"You mean 1st period? It was good, I guess. I saw a girl who I used to know who is now in my class." Adam said. 

"Oh? What's her name?" Luke asked, wagging his imaginary dog tail with excitement. 

"Brittany. Why?" Adam asked. "Just curious," Luke said. Adam gave him a suspicious look, 

"Wait. Are you trying to get with her? HA!" Adam laughs. Maybe. Hey, wait. Why are you laughing?! I'm perfectly good with the ladies." Luke says confidently. 

"Yeah, okay...Good luck, dude." Adam says. "What? Don't think I can do it?" Luke asked. "Eh," Adam said. "That's not even an answer!" Luke pouts. 

"Alright, listen here, ya 5-year-old." Adam laughs. Luke stares at Adam, "I'm not 5." Luke says. "It was sarcasm. Look, my point is to go for it if you're keen on getting slapped," Adam says. 

"Watch as I won't get slapped, and she'll fall for my dashing looks," Luke says in a fancy voice. "So..How are you and Connie doing, eh?" Luke nudges my arm. 

"What do you mean by that??" Adam asked. "Dude? It's obvious you like her." Luke said. "H-hey! I don't like her!" Adam says. 

"I only said that because you two seem rather close. What's with that?" Luke asked. I mean, yeah, she's really cute and attractive and small, which makes her even more cute, but if I were to see her getting hurt or bullied, my first instinct is to protect her no matter what," Adam said. 

"Hmm..Yea, you like her." Luke said. "I do not!" Adam said. "Whatever you say, buddy." Luke laughs. "Have you ever actually dated someone?" Adam asked. 

"Of course I have!" Luke said. Then why are you interested in Brittany?" Adam asked. "Because she sounds fun; I like fun girls," Luke said. I bet you do, dude," Adam said. 

Luke laughed. "What about you? Have you ever dated someone?" Luke asked. As soon as he said that, Adam went silent. He had a cold, dead face and looked down on the ground. 

"Oh, shit Adam. You alright?" Luke asked. Adam looks back up and smiles, "Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Adam asks. 

Luke has a perplexed look, "Um. What was that just now?" Luke asked. "What do you mean?" Adam asked. 

"I asked you if you ever dated som-"


"Oh, hey, look, the bell rang! It's time for lunch," Adam said, getting up. Adam walked out of the classroom rather quickly. 

"What...just happened?" Luke asked himself. Adam walks towards the cafeteria to get lunch. Along the way, he bumps into Connie and Brittany. 

"Oh, hey, guys," Adam said in a sign. Hey, Adam. Are you on your way to get lunch?" Brittany asked. Yeah, I am. Where are you guys going?" Adam quickly replied. 

"We're on our way toward you and your friend. Luke, was it?" Brittany asked Connie. Connie nodded, "Yup!" Connie said in sign.

"Oh, okay, well, see you guys later!" Adam runs off towards the cafeteria. "What's up with him?" Brittany asked in sign. 

"I have no idea. Should we go after him?" Connie asked, signifying, "Nah, I'm sure he'll be fine. He's a big boy, after all." Brittany laughed. 

"Hey, Connie!" Luke says, running up to them. "Oh, are you Luke?" Brittany asks. Yeah, holy, and you must be Brittany. You look stunning," Luke says.

 "Good effort," Brittany said. "Eh, I'll keep trying. Anyway, did you see Adam anywhere?" Luke asked. 

"Yeah, he just ran past us. Why?" Brittany asked. He was acting strange during class. Me and him were messing around, asking each other questions, and I asked him if he ever dated someone, but when I did, he went all silent, like he was scared of telling me," Luke said. 

"Damn. He went to the cafeteria; come on, let's go." Brittany said in sign. "Right, let's go. I'm worried about him." Connie said in sign. 

The three of them went after Adam, and a feeling of worry hovered over them. Adam made it to the cafeteria and walked up to the window. 

"Can I get some food?" Adam asked. The lady behind the counter gave him a burger and some fries. Adam starts fast, walking towards somewhere where no one can find him. 

He finds a bench where no one sits down and eats. That's good. Hopefully, they don't spot me here. I don't talk about my past with her. She doesn't deserve to be explained. 

Adam feels something tapping on his shoulder. "Huh?" Adam turns around to see Connie with a worried look. 

"Oh, hey, Connie." Adam smiled. "Are you alright, Adam? Luke said you seemed off in class today." Connie said in a sign. 

"Yeah. I'm fine, Connie." Adam said in a sign. Connie looked at Adam deeply. "You're lying. I can tell," Connie said in a sign. "I-I'm not lying!" Adam said in a sign. 

"If you aren't, then what did Luke ask you in class, and why did you not answer?" Connie asked in sign language. "He... he asked me if I ever dated someone before," Adam said in sign language.

 "Have you?" Connie asked in sign language. Adam became silent. "I... I don't want to talk about it," Adam said in sign language. Connie grabbed Adam's hand, and Adam looked at Connie with tears in his eyes.

"It's okay. You can tell me anything, Adam." Connie said in a sign, smiling. Adam nods, "Yeah. I've dated someone before. But I regret every damn minute of it. Her name was Amber, and..she was such a bitch."

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