Chapter 35: Missing

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"Adam hold on!" Luke said. "Don't try to stop me." Adam said.

"We're not going to, we're gonna help." Brittany said.

Adam nodded and continued walking which turned into running towards the police station.

Damn it..who the hell kidnapped her..Soon as I made things right. GODDAMN IT! I'm gonna catch whoever did this and they'll wish they've never been born.

Adam walks into the station and up to the desk.

"Hello how can I help you." The receptionist asked.

"I'd like to file a missing person report." Adam said.

"And who is missing?" A policeman asks as he comes around the corner.

"My girlfriend Connie. Connie Amana." Adam said.

"And do you have any massive evidence to support this?" The policeman asked.

Adam hands him the note they found back at the school.

The policeman examines the note and hands it back to him.

"Sorry kid. Can't help ya." He said. "What?! Why not?!" Adam asked.

"We have too many cases already, every police officer here is practically gone and hell that note could just be some prank. But even if it was how you say it is it would take too much of our time. Sorry kid." He said as he lit his cigarette up.

"You bastard.." Adam mumbled. The policeman chuckles, "Look kid if you've got something to say, say it. But I advise you to not piss me off. Besides I already know who you are, Adam Dewit. We got you on record because of all those fights. So I suggest not making me mad. Now leave." The policeman waves his hand to the door.

"Tch.." Adam said as he opens the door and closes it.

"That bastard doesn't even care." Adam said as he grips the note tightly in his formed fist.

"Now what..?" Luke asked. "We look for her. The town isn't that big so we should be able to find her." Adam said.

"Alright, I'll look over by the mall." Brittany said.

"I'll look around the neighborhood." Luke said.

"And I'll go back to the festival since it's still going on. Meetup back at my place around 9 P.M okay?" Adam said. They nod in agreement.

"Alright, let's go." Adam said as the three split off into three different sections of the town.

We will find you Connie. No matter what.

"CONNIEEE!!" Luke yells all around the neighborhood. No answer.

"Damn. Guess we gotta do this the old fashioned way." Luke said as he started walking up to people's doors.

"Hi sir, do you happen to know who this girl is?" Luke asked as he showed a picture of the group on his phone.

"Nope, sorry kid." The man said as he closed the door. Luke walks to the next one.

"Hello si-" SLAM! The door shuts closed in on Luke's face.

"Wow. Rude much?!" Luke said. Then the next door and the next..and the next.

No matter how many doors he goes to, He'll always get the same answer.

"Damn one knows who she is or ever heard of her. This is so frustrating!" Luke said.

"I ain't giving up yet, Let's keep at it!" Luke said as he continued to go to people's doors.

"Come on Connie please be here." Brittany said as she walked into the mall and frantically looked in each store, hoping Connie would be in one of them.

"Connie? CONNIE WHERE ARE YOU?!" Brittany yelled out.

People looked at Brittany, wondering who Connie is, but continued walking.

"Damn it..She isn't here..Where the hell is she.." Brittany said.

She sees tears start to form on her face.

"No stop it, me. Not yet. She has to be around. She can't have gone far. I'm not giving up yet!" Brittany said as she continued wandering around the mall looking and asking people if they saw a girl..but to no avail.

The last place I saw Connie was in the classroom where we made up so let's start there.

Adam rushes towards the classroom where they had their moment.

"Come on.." Adam said. He bursts the door open and looks around.

"Connie? Connie you in here?" Adam asked. No answer. It was worth a try.

"Okay..there's gotta be something he left behind." Adam said.

He looks all around the classroom, hoping to find some sort of clue that she left behind.

"Damn it..Nothing?" Adam said. Adam forms a fist in anger.

"DAMN IT!" Adam kicks a desk and walks out of the room.


The three meet back up at Adam's house.

"Hey did you guys find anything?" Adam asked.

"No..sadly." Luke said. "Same here." Brittany said.

"Damn it...goddamn it.." Adam said. "We'll find her." Luke said as he walks over to him and hugs Adam.

Adam starts to tear up and let's it out. "Right when we made up..S-She..." Adam said.

"I know man..I know." Luke said. "I..I shoulda have gone with her..then this wouldn't have happened.." Adam said.

"Hey. You didn't know. So don't blame yourself." Brittany said.

"B-But.." Adam said. Luke let's go of Adam and he wipes his tears off.

"It's getting late, we'll wake up hella early in the morning and keep looking." Luke said.

"But we have school tomorrow.." Brittany said.

"Damn..alright right after school we'll look..alright?" Luke asked.

"Alright..I'll..I'll see you guys tomorrow." Adam said.

"Okay, see ya." Luke said. The three wave bye to each other and Adam walks inside his house.

"Hey sweetie! How was the festiv-.." Julia stopped and looked at Adam.

His eyes were red and he had a sad expression on him.

"What happened..?" Julia asked. "Nothing mom..Just..Connie's sick and I was hoping I would be able to see her. That's all." Adam formed a small smile.

Even though it's fake. "Aww..well.. I hope she gets better!" Julia smiled.

"Yeah, I'll upstairs in my room if you need me. Love you mom." Adam said.

"Alright sweetie, love you too!" Julia said. Adam walks upstairs and into his room.

He flops on his bed and stares up at his ceiling. I don't wanna bring Mom into this..

Otherwise the whole town will be helping. I don't wanna start a panic. I gotta find her..and fast.

"What am I gonna do..." Adam said. As Adam rests his head on his legs and starts to cry.

I just got her back..damn it...

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