Chapter 21: Turkey Hunt

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The first day of Thanksgiving break is upon us. For a whole week I got so many plans! Sleep, sleep sleep, and sleep!

Such a good schedule..”ADAM!” Adam’s mom barged into his room.

“AHHHH!! DEMON!! WHAT DO YOU NEED?!” Adam yelled. “Don’t call your mother a demon!” She said.

“S-Sorry..You scared the hell outta me,” Adam chuckled, “Anyway what do you need?” Adam asked.

“I need you to head to the convenience store and get my turkey.” His mom said.

“Really? Why can’t you get the turkey?” Adam asked. “Because I’m planning what we should have for Thanksgiving. Besides, we need that turkey so we can roast it on that day.. Please sweetie?” His mom asked with puppy eyes.

“Those damn puppy eyes..Alright I’ll get it.” Adam said. “YAY! Thanks honey!” His mom said.

Adam grabs a hoodie and puts it on, same with his shoes. “Alright mom! I’m heading out. See you in a few.” Adam said.

“Alright! Love you sweetie!” His mom said. “Love you too mom.” Adam said, closing the door behind him.

Adam started walking to the convenience store.

“Alright now I just need to get the tukey, and leave quickly..Shouldn’t be so bad.” Adam said. 


Adam walks into the store and walks towards the frozen foods.

“Turkey..turkey..Where is the turkey?” Adam mumbled. There was no turkey to be found.

“Hey excuse me sir?” Adam tapped on an employee. “Yes?” They said.

“Do you happen to have any spare turkey in the back?” Adam asked. The employee sighed.

“Sorry kid, we’re all out. I checked already.” The employee said. Seriously?!

Why the hell are they out?! “But maybe you can check out the grocery store. Maybe they have some.” They said.

“Alright, Thanks sir!” Adam said, running out of the store. They can’t be out..can they?

Adam books it to the grocery store and runs inside to the frozen foods.

“Turkey come on, come on..” Adam said. They were also out of turkey. “SERIOUSLY?!” Adam said.

A few shoppers look at Adam with surprised looks. "Ah S-Sorry!” Adam said.

He walks back outside the store. Damn it..Where are all the turkeys..

There has to be one store that has them right?


Your fucking kidding me right..UGH! Why am I so unlucky today..All I want is the damn drumsticks..

I’ll try one more store. Adam walks into another store, hoping to see a turkey.

“Come on..Please. Just one turkey.” Adam frantically looks. There. He spots a turkey.

“YES!” Adam said walking over. As soon as Adam grabs the turkey, someone else grabs it. Huh?

Who the fu- Adam lost his train of thought. “Connie?!” Adam said.

“Oh hey Adam! I was trying to find a turkey for my family but there was none around. Luckily I found one!” Connie said in sign.

“Oh. What do you know..So did I” Adam glares at Connie.

They both glare at each other, wanting this turkey. “You know you won’t win.” Adam said in sign.

“Don’t understatement me.” Connie said in sign, smiling. “I need this turkey Adam.” Connie said in sign.

“So do I.” Adam said in sign. How can I win this battle and escape..Hmm..

“Hey look, it's a alien!” Adam said in sign, pointing. “Where?!” Connie said in sign.

With this moment, Adam sprints towards the door. As he’s running, he pulls out his money and lays it out on the counter for the cashier.

“Thanks for the turkey, gotta go bye!” Adam said. “HEY WAIT! Damn it Adam!!!” Connie said in sign, sprinting after him.

“Sorry Connie! As much as I would love to give this to you I need it!” Adam said in sign.

“So do I damn it! And that’s why..your gonna..GIVE IT TO ME!” Connie said in sign.

With a burst of speed, Connie catches up to Adam and tackles him. “AHH!!” Adam said, fumbling over causing the turkey to fly up in the air.

Connie gets back up and catches it, takes off running. Damn it! Adam gets up and runs after her.

“I’m not gonna waste this chance to get my drumsticks!!” Adam yells out. 


“So since it’s Thanksgiving, wanna go on a dinner date? I’ll treat you to some turkey.” Luke smiled.

Brittany laughs, “Sure. It’s free food. Plus I get to chill and hang with you.” Brittany said.

“Wait really? You aren’t gonna elbow me and call me lover boy?” Luke asked.

“I’m in a good mood today, so why not?” Brittany laughed. “Hell yeah!” Luke said.

They both laugh and continue walking along the sidewalk. Until Luke spots something in the distance.

“Hey. Do you see that?” Luke points ahead of them. Brittany squints her eyes to look further.

“I see two people walking this way.” Brittany said. “Yeah, but they seem a bit fast for walking, dontcha think?” Luke asked.

“Wait..that’s Adam and Connie!” Brittany said. “Oh really?” Luke said.

They start running towards them, but stop. “Give me back my turkey Connie!!” Adam said in sign.

“This is mine now!  Need it more than you do!” Connie said in sign. They run past Luke and Brittany, causing dust to go up off the ground.

They both watch as they chase each other. “What..the fuck was that?” Luke asked.

“I don’t know. But now I want turkey. Should we follow them?” Brittany asked.

Luke peeks over Brittany’s head and sees them running away in the distance.

Luke shrugs, “Why not right?” Luke smiles. The two run after Adam and Connie. 

What a way to have Thanksgiving..

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