Chapter 125: If This Gets Out

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The cell door to Lucius Malfoy's cell opens unexpectedly on the morning of the twenty-eighth of February. Lucius doesn't think it's a special occasion that warrants a visit from his son, daughter-in-law, and grandson, but that's who enters, dressed rather smartly.

"To what do I owe the pleasure," he asks, standing up from his bed. "I wasn't expecting you until the next week." He admits as they try to visit him once a month, and their last visit had been the first week of February.

"I'm afraid we have some disappointing news. I'm not sure you would have heard about it." Hermione vaguely tells him.

His interest is piqued but places the thought aside, opening his arms for his grandson. "He's grown in the last three weeks." He comments as Hermione hands him over.

"In the last two weeks, we've introduced porridge into his diet," Draco explains.

His relationship with his son was far from fixed, but in Scorpius, they had found common ground. They both loved the young child more than life itself, and both enjoyed talking about how much they loved the young child.

"He's going to be quite strapping," Lucius cuddles his grandson. "A fine quidditch player."

"Absolutely not," Hermione interrupts, having been watching from the side.

Draco laughs, "I'll win her over in the next ten years." He smiles at his father.

Lucius' eyes widen as he returns the smile. "Good luck," he jokes, lightheartedly.

Hermione frowns at her husband, duplicating Lucius' desk chair, so they each had a place to seat.

"I'm afraid we can't stay long; we're throwing a birthday party today for Pansy's twins and Blaise's daughter," Hermione explains.

Lucius perches on his bed, sitting Scorpius on his lap. "What is this disappointing news then?" He asks, gently running his fingers through his grandson's hair.

"I'm afraid it's to do with Minister Shacklebolt," Hermione begins.

"What has he done now?" He sighs.

"You're not aware of how bad the economy is right now; Luna doesn't write about it in the Quibbler, but a few international governments are refusing to renew their contracts in our trade markets," Hermione explains.

"Has the Minister done anything good for this country?" Lucius asks rhetorically.

"Not a thing," Draco answers anyway.

"This is all due to the new Death Eater movement. The ICW wants us to declare a state of emergency. Still, the Minister believes he has everything under control since there's been no new attacks or uprisings since December," she continues. "The Ministry is under the belief that, if there is a new Dark Lord, they're an old Death Eater or one that laid low during the war but was an integral member to the organisation." She explains.

"There are many that come to mind, that would have had to gall to take over from the Dark Lord himself," Lucius nods in agreement.

"Who?" Draco leans closer.

"There were many that came to mind, but very few would have had the brains to take over," he clarifies. "Augustus Rookwood, Mulciber, at a push, and then..." He pauses, looking nervously between the two of them.

"Who?" Draco asks again.

"You must promise never to speak of this to anyone else, if you must, to clear their name, tell only Harry Potter, do you understand?" He asks them, eyes shifting around the room.

"We promise," Hermione nods, keeping an eye on her son as Lucius become agitated.

"Perseus Parkinson."

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