Chapter 120: Take It All Off

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"Hermione?" Draco calls her attention as he steps into the kitchen, throwing his long, black coat over his suit. "I'm heading out for a few hours," he states, straightening his maroon jacquard blazer and matching tie.

His wife glances up from the Christmas cake she was icing in preparation for their meal that afternoon at the Manor with Narcissa. "What?" She pauses, her eyes appreciatively scanning his body, taking in his suited form.

"I have some business I need to attend to urgently," he vaguely explains, hands in his coat pocket.

Hermione frowns, throwing the icing spoon back in the mixing bowl. "It's Christmas Eve, Draco, and you're a professor on paternity leave. What business could you possibly be attending to?" She asks.

"This is just something I need to do, today," he explains, walking over to the Moses basket beside the countertop where Scorpius is enjoying his midday nap. "You'll understand later," he adds, gently brushing his son's hair to the side. "It'll probably be best if I meet you at the Manor. Blaise is planning on arriving with Pandora around one o'clock." He continues, turning back to his unimpressed wife.

"What about Lucius?" She asks, knowing he had forgotten about his father.

Draco sighs deeply, "We can visit him another day, the twenty-seventh?" He suggests.

"No, we promised your father we would visit him on Christmas Eve." She states simply. I" have his present wrapped ready to go. How is our relationship supposed to grow and develop to a place where he'll be able to trust me if I break my promises?" She asks arms crossed, annoyed.

"It's once, Hermione," he pinches the bridge of his nose, a headache forming. "He won't mind."

"Fine, go about your business. I'll visit Lucius myself." She ends the conversation taking her dishes to the sink to wash manually.

"What about Scorpius? We agreed to wait until he was old enough before introducing them to each other." He asks, gesturing to their son.

"Can you take him with you?" She asks, running the hot water tap.

"I'd rather not," he admits.

"Well, then you should have thought about Scorpius before making business arrangements on Christmas Eve." She says. "He will have to come with me. I'll ask Mr Ahmed if he'll enter the cell with me for added protection." She adds to appease Draco.

"Hermione," Draco sighs, coming up behind her. "I know you're angry with me, but I promise you, this is important." He presses a sweet kiss to her cheek. "I love you?" he whispers unsurely.

Those three words are rarely uttered in their small family. Growing up in Hermione's family, love was shown, not told. Her parents' relationship was built on small gestures. A cup of tea made while the other was getting ready, a little treat hidden in the other's lunch box for work, and many gifts bought just because it reminded them of each other. While she knows Lucius and Narcissa love each other, it was evident in their loyalty to each other; she can't imagine their love being shown or told in a healthy way in front of Draco. It did explain why he rarely told her that he loved her, but why he constantly peppered he with small kisses, on the cheek, her hairline, her knuckles, anywhere he can reach, he has kissed her there.

"I love you too," she turns, caressing his cheek before leaning up to return his kiss. "I trust that whatever this is, it is important to you. Just don't be late. I don't want to be stuck with your mother alone." She tries to lighten the mood.

"Blaise will be there."

"I know," she nods. "We'll get there for one."

Draco leaves, a small smile on his face, glad that his wife wasn't as angry with him as he had expected she would be. The slam of the door as he leaves wakes Scorpius up with a startled cry.

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