Chapter 146: Is That Not Common Knowledge

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Mr and Mrs Knoll's home is set within Hamsterley Forest in the north of England. Surrounded by ancient tall trees, sparkling waterfalls and crystal clear ponds, it was the most beautiful place for them to bury their son. Each Hogwarts professor had been invited to the funeral, but only Headmistress McGonagall, Head of Ravenclaw Professor Flitwick, Professor Longbottom, Professor Granger and Professor Malfoy decided to attend. Although they did pass along the condolences of the other professors, especially Professor Sinistra, who had taken a leave of absence to come to terms with the events of last Saturday afternoon.

By four o'clock, the professors feel they are beginning to overstay their welcome and decide to leave the Knoll's residence after further condolences have been given.

"After the summer of 1998, I had hoped that I would never have to attend the funeral of one of my students again," sighs Filius.

"I heard from the Ministry this morning," Minerva says as they walk down the Knoll's garden path. "There's going to be an investigation into Lawrence's death."

"What will they be looking into?" Neville asks nervously.

"They're not looking to blame anyone; they just want to make sure it never happens again," Minerva explains. "I'm cancelling all future Hogsmeade trips until the Ministry's report comes in."

"Neville, there was nothing more you could have done," Draco assures him. "You took down three of them, and thanks to you, some of the worst Death Eaters I've ever known are awaiting trial. You did well."

Neville sniffs sadly, "I could've done more."

"Don't beat yourself up, Neville," Filius interjects. "We're all very proud of you. You protected our children as best you could."

As they reach the end of the Knoll's garden path, Hermione glances behind to find no signs of anyone living just through the trees. The smoke billowing from the chimney she had noticed as they left is no longer visible, and neither is the garden path they were just on. They must have some powerful wards protecting themselves from the eyes of muggles.

"Try to enjoy the rest of your weekend," Minerva says. "I expect our inspection results to be sent out on Monday."

"Just what we need," Filius mutters.

"We will hold our staff meeting on Monday night instead of Wednesday, so make any necessary arrangements for childcare because it will most likely be a long night," Minerva continues.

Hermione and Draco agree before apparating to the gate of their home.

"Remind me again why I'm a professor," Hermione sighs as they trek towards their front door.

"For the children," Draco reminds her.

"It's becoming harder to teach when the Ministry puts all these barriers before us. First, the inspection and now this investigation. I don't believe that they're not looking for someone to blame. They can't blame themselves for not doing enough to catch the Death Eaters, so they'll find one of us is to blame, and I fear they'll try to pin it all on Neville," Hermione admits.

Draco nods, "Or me."

Hermione swallows hard, "I hadn't thought of that. We made an enemy out of Kingsley, and we thought these inspections were a way for him to get back at us, but what if he is going to blame you. It wouldn't be too hard either."

Draco scoffs, "Thanks."

"No, listen, do you really think the Minister isn't going to mention that you're an ex-Death Eater? It's not too far-fetched for him to link you to the attack. We need to be careful," Hermione warns him.

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