Chapter 37: Love vs In Love, A Kiss

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Hermione wakes up the following morning with a splitting headache, which she finds strange since she doesn't remember drinking that much yesterday. Although, thinking back, she did have a few drinks at the Pentagon, a few more at the Leaky Cauldron and then a few more with Blaise and Luna. She rolls over to face Draco, wondering if he'll make her headache potion if she begged him, to find him still fast asleep, snoring gently next to her. Instead of getting up, which would require effort, she snuggles back down under the quilt, throwing an arm over Draco and dragging herself closer to his warmth.

When Draco wakes up on Monday morning, it's to find Hermione cuddles up to him and under the quilt. Wondering what she's doing under there, he shuffles down to join her to find her still asleep. He peeks back out over the quilt to check the clock which tells him it's twenty past eleven. With a groan, he hides his head back under the quilt.

After they'd disapparated back to the estate yesterday afternoon, they'd just set off towards their house when Blaise shouted them over and beckoned them into his house. They then proceeded to celebrate into the early hours of the morning the fact that Blaise had gotten a job in the Ministry as an interpreter. Apparently, the Italian minister and a few of his dignitaries were coming for a visit next week and only the minister spoke English so they needed an interpreter. By the time they got home, they'd fallen straight into bed and into a deep, alcohol induced sleep.

He wonders if Hermione has a thumping headache like he's currently experiencing. With a reluctant sigh, Draco dethatches himself from Hermione and rolls out of bed to check his potion supplies. Thankfully, he has a few headache potions, but he'll have to brew some more soon. He downs his own then takes another upstairs, in case Hermione needs one and sets it on her bedside table before climbing back under the quilt where Hermione wraps herself around him again.

"Where'd you go?" Hermione mumbles sleepily against his chest.

"To get a headache potion, I had a thumping headache." He explains, wrapping his own arms around her to pull her closer.

"You don't happen to have another, do you?" She asks hopefully.

"On your bedside table." He answers.

She unwraps herself from their embrace to reach out for her potion where she promptly downs it then shuffles back down under the quilt.

"Thanks." She sighs contently as the potion takes effect.

She reaches up to kiss his cheek but Draco moves his head to look down at her and she ends up kissing the corner of his lips. She pauses, wondering what Draco will do and is pleasantly surprised when he positions his head to kiss her back properly. As they kiss, she thinks back to what Lewis had said to James last night.

'I love my friends but I'm not in love with them. I wouldn't kiss any of them.'

Hermione's already told Draco that they're friends now but she's also told him that she doesn't love him. Maybe when they get to know each other better and they become best friends will she love him? She loves Harry and Ginny and they're her best friends but she wouldn't kiss either of them. Yet here she is making out with Draco in their bed. Maybe there are two types of friends, those you would kiss and those you wouldn't. After all, she was friends with Ron and they kissed. She frowns slightly, not wanting to compare Draco and Ron together.

"What are you thinking about?" Draco asks against her lips.

"What Lewis was saying last night, about not wanting to kiss a friend. Maybe there's friends that you do want to kiss and friends that you don't." She suggests.

She can feel his lips turn into a smirk against her own.

"Has this sudden realisation come from my great kissing?" He asks and she rolls her eyes, pushing him away jokingly.

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