Chapter 57: Free Tickets

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When Hermione enters her living room, after taking her shoes off in the hallway, she finds Blaise and Draco lounging on the couch, laughing at something Pansy, who's sat in the armchair wearing a midnight blue evening gown, has just said. They've already gotten the remainder of the firewhisky out that hadn't been drunk last night.

"A Slytherin get together?" She asks, running her hand through Draco's hair as she stands behind him.

Draco glances up at her lovingly and she thinks she understands what David had meant when he'd said that Draco's already there. Her hand pauses in his hair at the realisation that her husband might already be in love with her. She smiles down at him before taking a seat in the other armchair.

"Yeah, and there's no Gryffindor's allowed." Blaise jokes, sticking his tongue out at her.

"I guess I won't buy you all dinner then. I'll just get myself some." She makes to stand up.

"Great, I came around here for nothing." Pansy rolls her eyes, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms across her chest.

"I'm glad you changed your mind, Pansy. Sophie really liked you, she wouldn't stop talking about how much fun she had with you." Hermione tells her.

"If you're trying to sweeten me up to babysit her again, it's not working. I'm shattered and I only had her for three hours. I can wait to have my own kids." She mentions.

"You can't though, can you? You've only got twenty-three months, twelve days," Blaise glances at his watch. "Seven hours and forty-three minutes to get pregnant with your weasel."

Pansy pulls a face at him and Draco when they both burst out laughing.

"Well my weasel's being an idiot at the moment so he'll be waiting twelve days, seven hours and," She checks her own watch. "thirty-nine minutes until we try again." She states.

"What's he done now?" Draco groans with a smile.

"Trying to play the husband card. 'I'm your husband, you have to tell me who she is, what has she got to do with Hermione, why does 'Mione trust you.'" She laughs. "Honey, I'm not telling you anything so stop asking." She rolls her eyes.

"You could have told him. I'm not trying to keep her a secret. Gwenog's bringing her to the wizarding world on Sunday anyway so people are going to know about her sooner or later." Hermione shrugs.

"Gwenog who? Jones? No way." Pansy sits up abruptly with a massive smile on her face. "Gwenog Jones is Sophie's mother. I can't believe it. It all makes sense. Her absence from the public eyes in 1992. Oh, Merlin." She laughs. "This is too good."

"Didn't I tell you?"

"Nope, you didn't even tell me her mother was a witch. All you said was Sophie was a witch and her father didn't take the reveal very well. I assumed she was a Muggle-born." Pansy tells her. "Did you know?" She turns to ask Blaise.

"Yeah, Draco told me yesterday. I had pretty much the same reaction just not as enthusiastically." He shrugged. "Do you think we can get free tickets out of her?" He questions.

"We are not using my connection to Gwenog to get free Quidditch match tickets," Hermione warns him.

"Yeah, Blaise, stay focused," Pansy tells him with a roll of her eyes.

"We were all thinking it." Blaise pouts, crossing his arms.

"But you were the one to ask." Draco points out.

"Wow, thanks for your support, mate." He shoves Draco's shoulder who pushes him back.

"Boys, eh?" Pansy sighs, rolling her eyes as Draco and Blaise push each other on the couch. "Shall we go get dinner?" She suggests.

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