Chapter 19: A Pretty Name for a Pretty Girl

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She's up on her feet racing over to him. Harry, Bill, Angelina and George are already on the ground, crowding around him.

"Is he alright?" She asks as she tries to push her way through but Bill grabs hold of her, pulling her away.

"He's breathing but I don't think you want to see this." He tells her.

She tries to pull out of his grip but he's too strong. She assumes it's got something to do with his werewolf traits but doesn't think too much about it as she tries to catch a glimpse through the legs of everyone who's now crowding around him.

"Please Bill, I want to see him." She begs him but he picks her up, carrying her over to Ginny and Fleur who are stood in shock at the edge of the pitch.

"Take her inside. I'll go see what's happening." He orders them.

"Come on, 'ermione," Fleur says, ushering her inside with Ginny.

They sit her between then on the couch, holding onto her hands tightly in case she tries to escape.

"I should be out there with him. I know how to help him." She tries to convince Ginny and Fleur but they shake their heads.

"Bill weel return with noos soon," Fleur tells her, gently stroking her hair.

Suddenly, the living room door slams open to reveal Harry, whose shirt sleeves are covered in blood.

"Bill and Arthur are taking him to St. Mungo's." He explains.

"I need to be there with him." Hermione tries to jump up but Ginny and Fleur's grips still too strong. "Please, Harry." She begs, looking at him hopelessly.

Harry stares back at her for a moment before sighing deeply. "Fine, but I'm coming with you. He tells her.

"Thank you, Harry." She hugs him quickly when the girls let go of her arms

Harry takes hold of her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as they exit the house.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Molly asks him worriedly.

"Hermione need to be with him, Molly. I'm not letting her go by herself, though." He tells her as they carry on down the garden path to the gate where they can apparate freely together.

At St. Mungo's, there's people rushing around in every direction. They head towards the reception area where four people are sat filling out pieces of parchment or direction other visitors to different wards.

"Excuse me?" Harry asks one of the receptionists. "We're looking for Draco Malfoy. He was brought in a few minutes ago." He states.

"Let me just have a look, Mr Potter." She says before rifling through the tens of pieces of parchment on her desk. "I'm afraid Mr Malfoy was taken to the intensive care unit due to his head injuries. You'll have to wait in the intensive care waiting room with the two people who brought him in." She tells them.

Hermione sighs in annoyance. "I'm his wife. I want to see him." She demands, leaning over the counter but Harry drags her back.

"I'm sorry Mrs Malfoy but only healers are allowed into the unit. You will be told as soon as he is moved onto another ward. Meanwhile, if you'd like to wait in the intensive care waiting room, which is down that corridor and third door on the left." She smiles forcibly at her as Harry pulls her in the direction she had been pointing in.

"Come on Hermione." He urges her into the waiting room where Arthur and Bill are sat waiting.

"Harry, what did you bring her for?" Bill asks when they come through the door.

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