Chapter 136: I Don't Know How To Fix This

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Ginny gently wipes a cotton round, damp with makeup remover, around her eyes. The day had been full of last-minute planning with her mum for Harry's birthday party tomorrow. Not only would this be Harry's twenty-first birthday, but they had also gained permission from the Minister to relax the restrictions around the Burrow for the day, as long as a few Ministry workers were present. Ginny's smile widens, giddy with excitement, knowing they have bested the minister once again. Harry had put forward a list of Ministry workers he wouldn't mind inviting to his party, all of which were members of the New Order. Of course, since they are heads of their respective departments, Kingsley had been more than happy to allow Alexander Vyner, Gideon Johnson and Elias Woodward to attend. Tomorrow is going to be a productive day for the New Order. All representatives had been invited so they could get to know who their allies were in all this secrecy.

Ginny's hand grips the sink as her little one kicks her in the bladder, "Hey, stop it!" she pats her stomach, trying to soothe her baby. However, the baby kicks again in contradiction, and she feels a slow trickle down her leg. "Are you kidding me?" She sighs, thinking she's peed herself, although, when the liquid doesn't stop, she realises what this means. Pointing at herself in the mirror, Ginny tells her reflection, "This is not happening right now."

Rubbing her hands down her face, she wonders how she will make it through the next twenty-four hours. Tomorrow was far too important to cancel due to her being in active labour. She doubts she's actually in labour anyway. When she had James, she went through those fake labour pains for a week before he was born. Although, this baby was due in ten days.

A knock at the door shocks her.

"Hey, Gin, you've been in there a while, are you okay?" Harry's gentle, calm voice calls through the door.

"Yes, I'm fine," she quickly answers. "I'm going to have a shower." She knows Harry will be able to see straight through her. If her contractions start, she won't be able to hide that from Harry, and he'll make her go to St. Mungos. All this planning will be for nothing. "I'm thinking about spending the night at Mum's, so I can get up early to prepare for everyone." She tells him, leaning back against the sink.

"It's my birthday; I don't want to wake up without you," Harry admits.

"Harry," Ginny sighs, hating that she's currently lying to her husband. "We're going to have a hundred more birthday's together; one morning apart won't matter." She pauses in front of the door, wanting to throw it open and fall into his arms.

Harry chuckles on the other side of the door, "You're optimistic."

"I love you, but you'll be fine with Ron and James for your birthday breakfast. I'll be waiting for your birthday kiss when you arrive at ten o'clock." She rests her forehead against the bathroom door.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Ginny can hear the smile in his voice as she listens to her husband walk away from their bathroom. Wand in hand, she turns the shower on, then casts a cleaning charm over the mess on the floor. After her shower, Ginny dresses in a clean pair of clothes, throwing her wet hair in a bun to deal with at home. Cracking the door open, she ensures Harry isn't in their bedroom before packing her overnight bag quickly.

Unfortunately, she doesn't make it to the floo fireplace without being seen, as Ron calls her from the kitchen, asking where she's going.

"Home, there's so much to do. Just make sure Harry and James get there for ten o'clock, yeah?" Ginny asks.

"O'course," Ron confirms, taking a bite out of a sandwich he'd made. "Aren't you going to say bye to them?"

"I already have," Ginny pulls her bag up onto her shoulder, then leaves, walking hastily through the living room and flooing straight to the Burrow.

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