Chapter 145: The Password is Shakespeare

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On Saturday morning, the day after the Department for Educational Standard's inspections, Sophie and Elizabeth sit in the Ravenclaw common room, watching all the older students rushing about. At breakfast, Headmistress McGonagall announced all students with permission would be allowed to visit Hogsmeade that afternoon. There would be a picnic on the school grounds for all students without permission or who wish to remain at school.

Elizabeth had been busy with excitement as she flew around the Great Hall, ensuring all members of their study group would be hanging out together at the picnic. Then, she dragged Sophie and Lucile to their dormitory to choose the perfect outfit for their first official Hogwarts social event. However, Sophie soon received an owl from Hermione and Draco, discreetly inviting her to their rooms for lunch and games, which she had eagerly accepted.

As midday approaches, Sophie and Elizabeth sit in the common room, watching the older students preparing for their unexpectedly fun day ahead in the village of Hogsmeade. Elizabeth huffs as Lawrence Knoll and his friends walk past, laughing as they leave.

"It's so unfair. Why can't we go to Hogsmeade?" Elizabeth complains.

"We're only first years. Would your parents let you go down Diagon Alley by yourself?" Sophie asks.

"That's beside the point. Hogsmeade is much smaller than Diagon Alley, and professors are always around chaperoning the trip. It's not like we're going to get ourselves into trouble."

"I don't see what the fuss is about. I'd only be interested in the bookshop and the Three Broomsticks," Sophie admits after listening to the older students plan their trip and explain the different shops to the first-year students.

Elizabeth sighs, "At least we have this picnic event, and we're sure to have fun with the study group."

Sophie glances around to ensure there aren't any eavesdroppers, then tells her friend, "I won't be going. Hermione invited me for lunch in her rooms."

"Now you're leaving me too!" Elizabeth complains.

"Hey, no one is leaving you. You've got plenty of other friends stuck at Hogwarts today; you don't need me there," Sophie tells her. She doesn't mention that Elizabeth is only annoyed because the boy she has a crush on is going to Hogsmeade, and she won't be able to stare at him across the common room or library all day.

Elizabeth looks down at her twiddling fingers, embarrassed, "Sorry, you're right. Have fun with them, and I'll tell you everything you missed tonight."

"After I've helped you study for that Muggle Studies exam on remote controls," Sophie reminds her.

Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "Yes, and I'll remind the others too."

"Meet you in the library at four o'clock, okay?"


As Sophie leaves the Ravenclaw common room, dressed in her best t-shirt and jeans, she descends the moving staircases to the ground floor, where she takes the secret staircase they had found during the scavenger hunt to the staff quarters. Professor Parkinson had caught Sophie trying to sneak through but had allowed them, just this once, to pass through. No doubt, she had told Hermione and Draco, as they had requested that she take this route down to their rooms, so she wouldn't be seen by rogue students hanging around the dungeons. Sophie's glad her cousins take seriously her need to remain anonymous at Hogwarts.

Peering around the door, Sophie checks no other professors are walking the staff quarters corridor before sprinting towards Hermione and Draco's door. She repeatedly knocks until they answer.

"Whoa, what's the rush, Sophie?" Draco asks upon opening the door.

Sophie quickly slams the door shut behind her. "I didn't want to be seen," she admits.

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