Chapter 60: I'm not Walking to London

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Outside the Grand Hall, they find Professor Slughorn waiting, glancing down at his watch. When he hears them approaching, he glances up.

"It's impolite to keep an old man waiting." He tells them with a smile as he leads them down the dungeons staircase, to his office resides. "I must say, I was surprised by your letter, Ms Granger. Although, I am curious what you wish to discuss with me at such short notice." He admits.

"I apologise, we aren't interrupting anything, are we?" She asks.

"Of course not, dear." He waves the question away. "I would have made space in my diary for my top two students any day. I must admit, Minerva and I did celebrate with a glass of brandy when we found out the two of you had been paired at that awful ceremony. Think of the intelligence a Malfoy-Granger child will have."

He opens the door, allowing them to enter before him. Hermione shares an awkward look with Draco as they make their way over to his desk.

"Please, sit on the couches. I'm no longer your professor, there's no need for us to formally sit either side of a desk. Would either of you care for a cup of tea?" He asks, accioing a tea tray over from his desk.

"Yes, thank you, sir." Hermione accepts his offer with a smile as she sits down on the couch nearest the unlit fire.

"Thank you, Professor Slughorn," Draco answers with a nod, joining her.

"None of that, my boy. You're no longer my student." He comments as the tray sets itself down on the coffee table between the two couches and pours itself into three cups. "Horace will do just fine." He tells them, settling himself down on the opposite couch. "After all, the two of you were in the Slug Club. Speaking of which, there will be a small get together in a few weeks. I'll send you both an invitation. Or should I send you a joint invitation? You both won't need a plus one, will you?" He questions curiously glancing between them both.

"One invitation will be fine," Hermione tells him as she picks up her cup then places it back down as she burns her hands.

"I, of course, was sent an invitation to your ceremony but I declined to attend. I think it's disgraceful, taking away your right to experience falling in love with 'the one'." He sighs shaking his head. "Although I will admit, I'm disappointed I won't be here to teach your child when their time comes." He explains sadly.

"Are you retiring soon, Horace?" Hermione asks him.

"Yes, I promised dear old Albus I would return for a year and here I am going into my fourth year. I thought I left the teaching life behind me many years ago." He chuckles. "It was such an honour to teach the two of you. Especially you, Mr Malfoy. You truly understand the beauty of the art of potion making." He nods. "I do believe your godfather taught you from a young age. Is that true?" He asks.

Draco nods. "Severus taught me to brew potions before I learnt to fly a broomstick."

"You learnt from the best." Horace states. "Have you ever thought about going into teaching?" He asks almost hopefully.

"I have thought about it," Draco admits. "I was more leaning towards becoming an apothecary before the marriage decree was enforced." He adds.

"An apothecary?" Horace repeats in disgust. "What a waste of your extraordinary talent. You should be teaching the future generations the true art of potion making and I'm not just saying that because Minerva won't let me retire without finding a suitable replacement." He jokes.

"I'll have to think about it," Draco tells him which seems to be good enough for Horace to move on to her.

"Hermione, dear, what about you? You must be thinking about teaching." He smiles at her.

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