Chapter 16: Oh Geoffrey!

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Draco's awoken by his wand vibrating at exactly six minutes past five in the morning. He quickly cancels the charm he placed on his wand then sets it on his bedside table. 5:06am on the fifth day of the sixth month. He lies on his back, staring up at the ceiling. There was a time, during the last few months of the war, where he didn't think he would make it to this far but here he is. Alive and physically well. This time next year he'll most likely be expecting a child. He might not have chosen to get married to Hermione or even chosen to get married at all but the simple fact that he's getting a child out of this whole situation makes it all worthwhile. It's not as though he hates the situation as much as he first thought he would either. The more he gets to know Hermione, the more he enjoys being in her company.

He lies there wondering if his Mother will remember or if his father is lying in his cell thinking about him. He has no doubt in his mind that Mitty will make him a cake and Blaise will bring him something strange as a present. He knows Hermione doesn't know and he's not going to tell her. It's too late now.

An hour later he feels Hermione stir in the bed next to him. He rolls onto his side to face her when she opens her eyes and smiles at him. He offers her a small smile back.

"Morning." He greets her as she yawns then frowns at him.

"What time is it?" She asks glancing around their still dark bedroom.

"About quarter past six." He answers.

Hermione groans as she shuffles back down under the quilt. "Why are we awake this early?" She asks, completely disappearing underneath the covers.

"I've been awake for the last hour." He admits.

"You're crazy." She mumbles.

"I'm getting up." He tells her as he climbs out of bed.

"I'm going back to sleep." She grumbles from beneath the cover.

Draco smiles to himself as he grabs his dressing robe and heads downstairs for a slice of toast and a cup of tea. The Daily Prophet hasn't been delivered yet so he grabs the book he was reading yesterday and settles onto the couch. Once he's finished his breakfast, he washes up and heads back upstairs where he carefully opens the bedroom door so not to wake Hermione up. He successfully grabs his clothes for the day and makes his way into the bathroom where he takes a shower before getting dressed. He checks that Hermione is still asleep before he leaves the house, locking the front door behind him.

He's just about to exit the estate when he hears his name being called from behind him. He turns around to see Blaise running at him and has just enough time to steady himself before his friend throws himself into a bone crushing hug.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Blaise shouts at him.

"Blaise! Shut up!" Draco pushes him away.

"Luna and I got you some presents. Well, I got you two present, Luna hated them both so she got you her own present." Blaise chuckles.

"She didn't need to get me anything," Draco tells him.

"Of course, she didn't but she wanted to. Anyway, you'll have to come over to ours to get them." He tells him.

"Okay, I won't be over until late. I've got a few things I need to do today." He mentions.

"Where are you going now?" Blaise asks.

"Diagon Alley." He answers.

"I'll come with you. I need to buy some ice-cream." He announces.

"Why do need ice-cream?" He asks as they set off through the gate.

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