Chapter 139: What is a Helicopter?

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The aeroplane rolls towards the runway ever so slowly, the pilots waiting for their turn to take off. Sat at the back, Draco's knuckles are white from gripping the armrests too tightly. His eyes flicker out of the window, watching the tiny people waving flags on the tarmac. Parallel to the runway, he watches another aeroplane take off and instantly regrets every decision that has led him to this moment. Why had he thought this was a good idea? It wasn't easy to get a muggle passport; forging a muggle birth certificate should have been the first clue this wasn't for him. His heart thumps against his rib cage as he attempts to find a reasonable excuse to allow him off the plane. His breathing picks up the pace along with the aeroplane as they drive onto the runway. It's now time to take off.

"I can't do this," he panics as the plane turns to face the correct direction and pauses.

"You're doing fine," Hermione gently pats his hand, although her voice clearly shows amusement. She's enjoying his terror.

On her lap, Scorpius fusses as he sucks on his fingers. Hermione gently bounces their son to calm him down, and the motion almost has the desired effect on Draco too. However, the engine begins whirring louder and louder as the aeroplane picks up pace. Suddenly, Draco is forced back into his seat from the speed, and he pinches his eyes closed, not wanting to watch as the ground leaves them.

"This is too fast," he mutters, peering through an eye out the window and instantly feeling his stomach drop and then flip as he watches the Earth tilt and the wheels leave the tarmac.

Quickly, he focuses his attention ahead of him, at the back of Grandad Tom's head. He stares with a terrifying sharp glare as the aeroplane tilts left and right to level itself out. Periodically, there's a loud beep, which Draco doesn't trust is a good sound.

"We're flying, Draco," Hermione taps his forearm, but her voice is muffled.

"What's happening to my ears?" he asks, and Hermione flinches away.

"It's just the change in pressure," Hermione explains, a little louder. "Try not to shout."

The beep sounds again. Then a woman's voice says, "Ladies and gentlemen, the seat belt sign is still on, so please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the overhead sign has been switched off."

"You're allowed to take your seat belts off?" Draco is horrified at the thought of not being protected by the strap across his lap.

"Statistically speaking, you're safer in an aeroplane than a car," Hermione assures him, but his eyes widen.

"Why would you tell me that? You know how I feel about cars?" His voice turns high pitched in panic.

"Okay, you need to calm down; you're drawing people's attention. It's a two-hour flight. Take off is the worst part, and it's over. Try to relax." Hermione tells him as the overhead sign switches off.

"I'm not flying back," he warns, eyes sharp.

"Here, take your son," Hermione passes the still fussy Scorpius over, then stands up, squeezing past Chris, who's sat with Vivian.

Scorpius stares up at his father, then paws at his ears as he whines.

"I know, it feels weird, doesn't it? I'm sure it's alright once our ears adjust to this new pressure," Draco smiles at his son.

Chris leans across Hermione's empty seat, "It helps if you chew something." His father-in-law passes him a bag of low-sugar, chewable sweets.

"Thank you," he aggressively chews one until his ear sharply pops. He turns horrified to Chris. "My ear popped."

"That's good," Chris assures him. "Can you hear better?"

Draco realises that the loud sounds of the engines and passengers are much clearer. He nods, "Thanks, Chris."

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