Chapter 113: Yeah, I don't Know You

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"We're late," Hermione shouts upstairs, Scorpius strapped to her chest in a wrap, his head tucked beneath the fabric as he naps against her.

"You shouting at me isn't helping," Draco calls back, frustration evident in his voice.

"I'm shouting for volume purposes, not because I'm annoyed." She sighs, pulling her thick, navy blue coat on top of her lilac flowery dress and the wrap, then collecting her handbag onto her arm.

A few minutes later, Draco races down the stairs in his green three-piece suit. "How do I look?" He asks, performing a slow spin, maintaining eye contact.

"Very handsome, darling." She smiles. "Now, shoes on, everyone will be there before us." She warns him, taking his coat from the peg and holding it out for him after he's tied his shoes.

"Thanks, do we have everything?" He asks.

Hermione stares at him for a split second before walking into the living room towards the fireplace, her handbag rocking from its position in the crook of her elbow.

Draco joins his wife and child, taking a pinch of floo powder. "I'll take that as a yes, then." He says

"Yes, I have everything." She throws the floo powder down, stepping inside and saying, "Ministry of Magic."

Draco quickly follows behind.

"We've been ready, waiting for you for twenty minutes. We were supposed to be here ten minutes ago." She scolds him, still taking his hand as they walk towards the lifts.

"I'm sorry," he apologises. "I'm nervous, this is the first-time mother, and Hyperion will see each other." He explains.

"Everything is going to go to plan. We have a seating plan for the ceremony, and your mother hasn't been invited to the party. This is going to be a beautiful day, surrounded by all our friends and family. Try to enjoy it." She brings their clasped hands to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of his hand.

Draco chuckles, "I still don't like that we have to hold the ceremony here."

"Nor do I, but it keeps Kingsley off our backs and separates the day into two, so we can invite our friends to the ceremony and closer friends to the party in the Muggle world." She says.

"You have a point," he agrees as he presses the down button, calling the lift.

The lift opens to Alexander Vyner, who seems surprised to see them "You're late," he states, stepping aside to allow them entry.

"Are you not getting off?" Draco asks.

"I am conducting your son's ceremony. I tend to do the more high-profile ones, just to ensure everything goes to plan." Mr Vyner explains, pressing the button for his floor. "Do you remember our last chat, Ms Granger, on the second anniversary of the war ending?" He asks out of nowhere. "I knew you were planning something then, and I know you're planning something now." He stares at her. "I thought we had an understanding." He adds.

"We do." She frowns, confused.

"You told Mr Potter about the information hidden within the archives," he states, staring at Draco.

Hermione looks at Draco, questioningly.

"I told him some Ministry officials had a bet on how long Hermione and I would be together. We were discussing whether or not the Minister wanted to control us, or simply keep an eye on us. I provided the evidence to prove he wanted us, or at least the purebloods, controlled." Draco defends himself.

"I wish you hadn't, Mr Malfoy." He says.

"We're not planning anything, Mr Vyner. I can assure you." Hermione promises.

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