Chapter 150: What Did You Witness, Mr Potter?

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Dressed in formal attire, Draco and Hermione mentally prepare themselves for the arduous day ahead. They've been waiting for this day since May, but it took Theo and his colleagues at Goldman's Law Firm months to gather the evidence and statements needed to assemble their case. Draco had spent all day yesterday being debriefed by Theo in preparation for today's trial. Although he was testifying, Draco wasn't a witness to any crimes committed, so he was there as a Death Eater and Dark Lord expert. It wasn't a great title for a Professor of Hogwarts, so he needed to be perceived as professional, hence the outfit.

At eight o'clock sharp, Pansy and Ron floo into Hermione and Draco's house, each carrying a twin as they enter the kitchen. Ron immediately takes Philip from his mother and brings them both screaming and giggling into the living room, where Scorpius is already playing with his bug figures. The children don't need to hear the other adults' conversations.

"How are you feeling?" Pansy asks, giving Hermione the once over and removing a loose thread from the sleeve of her dress.

"I'm a bundle of nerves, and I'm not even testifying," she admits lightly

"And you?" she turns to Draco, who's sat on the couch fastening his boots.

"I'm fine."

"' Course you are." Pansy smiles sarcastically. "Don't worry. All the evidence is against him. Do you really think Shacklebolt will let him get away with making a mockery out of him?"

"It's been a long time since I've known what the Minister is thinking," Hermione points out. "He's totally unpredictable.

"He's going to make an example out of him," Pansy states, sure of herself.

"I hope you're right," Hermione sighs. "Thanks for looking after Scorpius for us. We could've brought him to you."

Pansy scoffs, "You do not want to see the state of our cottage."

"I can hear you," Ron calls from the living room.

"You were supposed to hear me," Pansy calls back, then whispers, "Honestly, what gave him the impression he could do all the handiwork himself. He starts another job without finishing the first or second or third."

"Are you talking about me quietly?" Ron shouts through.

"No, they're leaving." Pansy rolls her eyes, following Hermione and Draco to the floo fireplace. "Good luck, we'll be listening on the radio."

At the Ministry of Magic, Hermione and Draco take the lift down to courtroom one, where the Goldman team are busy setting up their table of notes and evidence. Theo immediately beckons them over. A nervous grin graces his face as he greets them.

"This is it. The day we've been working towards for months. My first big case." Theo hugs them both quickly, needing to get his excitement out. "Draco, you must be sworn in by the Wizengamot's secretary. I'll take you up now. Hermione, Harry's over there if you want to sit with him.

"Okay, thanks."

Draco follows Theo up the winding staircase beneath the Wizengamot's benches to their chambers. The secretary is sat in an alcove with a collection of parchment scattered about her desk.

"Morning again, Cynthia."

The secretary glances over her half-moon glasses, then scans her parchment full of names.

"Mr Malfoy, I hope you read the brief and understand your expectations within the courtroom?" She asks.

"Yes, I have."

"Perfect." Cynthia gestures to a poster on the wall behind her. "Please raise your wand and read the oath."

Draco does as instructed. "I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, do solemnly and sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

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