Chapter 10: Snakes are cold-blooded - Draco's POV

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At about eleven o'clock, a bell rings out once more as Kingsley again takes to the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm afraid your reception party is coming to an end. I thoroughly hope you enjoyed yourself. Now please listen carefully as I explain what is about to happen. Firstly, can all our guests please leave the hall?" Kingsley orders.

Hermione sits ups a little straighter, waiting for all the guests to leave so Kingsley can carry on. Draco comes back over to their table, sitting down next to her. Once all the guest have left, Kingsley clears his throat to regain their attention.

"Now, there are five buses wait to take you to The Ministry Starter House Estate. You will all board the buses alphabetically by surname where a Ministry Official will be your guide. Please ask them if you have any further questions." Kingsley glances around the hall to ensure everyone understands. "Can A through E please make their way to the door where your Ministry Official will guide you to your bus?"

The scrapping of chairs echoes around the hall as people shuffle slowly towards the hall door. Hermione sits quietly with Draco on one side and Ginny and Harry on the other.

"Now, can F through J please make their way to the door?" Kingsley announces next.

Hermione realises that she and Draco are in the next group without Harry and Ginny. She gives them both a quick hug.

"I'll come see you both on Friday, alright?" She promises them both.

"Now, can K through O please make their way to the door?" Kingsley announces next.

Ginny squeezes her hand encouragingly which she squeezes back as a thank you. Turning around, she finds Draco stood waiting for her. They walk together, silently, to the door where a few couples are already lining up waiting. At the front of the queue is a short, large woman with bright blonde hair. She's looking down at the many pieces of paper clipped to her clipboard.

"Hello." Her thick Devonshire accent is a surprise to not only Hermione but a few other people in her queue. "I hope all you young lovers are happy." Hermione cringes, looking awkwardly at Draco, who's looking at the woman is disgust. "If you'd like to follow me, I'll guide you to our bus then we'll be swiftly on our way." She leads them out of the muggle entrance which apparently a lot of people, especially purebloods and some half-bloods, have never seen before from the sounds of disapproval as they walk through the one-star hotel.

"Here we go, you can all sit where you'd like as long as it's with your partner." She announces before waving to the driver to open the door.

Hermione climbs aboard the bus before Draco so chooses the seat at the back of the bus. Once everyone is sat down ready, the woman signals the driver to go. The bus reminds her of the Knight bus in the way it swerves quickly between muggle traffic. Not before long, they're pulling up to a very large, walled-off estate in the middle of the countryside.

"This is The Ministry Starter House Estate. Each house is identical in layout and décor but you can redecorate as you please. We have five street in the shape of a pentagon. You will all be on the third street named Gamma. In the middle of the estate are a few food shops, cafes, a restaurant, sweet shop, book shop and robes shop along with a large playing green and a small playground. I will call out your name as we come to each house." She explains. "Let's go!" She signals the driver to move along.

The bus comes to a stop at the first front door of Gamma Street, which read '1G'.

The woman looks down at her clipboard before looking around the bus.

"Mr and Mrs Kay." She calls out.

Draco sits at the back of the bus for about twenty before the woman calls out, "Mr and Mrs Malfoy."

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