Chapter 80: I Know Someone Who Speaks to Snakes

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"I don't think I've ever been this nervous before." Draco mutters as he struggles to fasten his tie.

"That's a lie." Hermione laughs, swatting his hand away to fasten it for him.

"Yeah, it's been a while though." He admits.

"It's going to be fine. You know Hyperion and Sarah like us." Hermione reminds him.

"Alarte is the one I'm worried about." Draco states, pulling on his leather jacket.

When September arrived three days ago, so did Autumn bringing with it colder temperatures and higher winds. It had created an eerie atmosphere around Hogwarts, adding to the mysterious aesthetic of the castle, amazing the first years. The welcome feast had been eventful with the news of the arrival of the older first years. It was easy to spot them in the crowd as they stood taller than the eleven-year olds, although most of them hunched over, trying to hide amongst their younger peers. All accept a thirteen-year-old boy by the name Gabriel Malcolm who stood confidently at the back of the group, glancing around curiously. Hermione saw an air of Malfoyness about him so was unsurprised when he was sorted into Slytherin with a mixed reaction from the house. Though Gabriel took it all in his stride, introducing himself to the prefects who politely shook his hand and engaged in conversation about the wizarding world. The boy seemed to have done his research over the summer.

"Are you ready to go?" Draco asks once he's ready.

Hermione smiles and nods, taking his hand in hers as they leave their house, locking it behind them, and set off for the gate.

"What do you think of the older first years?" Hermione asks as they walk down Gamma Street.

"They've seemed to settle well. At least the Slytherin's did. Horace and I spent most of the night in the common room until lights out to ensure nothing happened. The younger years seem to be more open to the Muggleborns and the majority of the older ones are coming around to the idea. The rest haven't figured me out as a professor yet and don't know what they can get away with so they didn't try anything. They remember what I was capable of during my seventh year when the Death Eaters ruled the school." Draco explains.

"What type of professor are going to try to be?" She asks.

"For the sixth and seventh years, I'd like to keep them guessing with a little intimidation." He smirks.

"Draco," She warns him.

"I'm not going to go full Severus, I don't want to scare the younger ones. I just know that the older ones expect a certain something form me, so why not give it to them. If I go into class all smiles and cheerfulness, they'll take advantage of it and I'll lose their respect, which Horace believes is the number one attribute a professor must have." He explains.

"Well I'm going to try and embody Minerva, she is one of the best teacher's we've ever had at Hogwarts." Hermione states.

"Are you going to train as an animagus?" He jokes with a laugh.

Hermione shrugs, "It could be interesting." She smiles.

"Are you serious?" Draco looks shocked.

"It's a major part of transfiguration and the only thing I currently have no experience in. Shouldn't I, as the future transfiguration professor, be proficient in all areas of transfiguration?" Hermione poses the question as they reach the gate of the estate.

"We can talk about this later." Draco mutters as he disapparates them to the side of Hyperion's house.

"Wow, that was sick!" Alarte jumps up excitedly from where he was sitting on the step, waiting for their arrival. "Dad told me about this disapparation stuff and I just had to see it for myself." He walks towards them, arms outstretched for a hug. "You must be my cousin, Draco." He pulls him into a quick hug with a pat on the back. "And Hermione, cousin-in-law." He hugs her. "This is seriously the most exciting day of my life, and I saw Pulp live." He exclaims.

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