Chapter 123: It's A Good Thing You're So Handsome

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"Take the next left," Draco instructs. "Then follow this road to Church Hill." He adds as they turn off the motorway onto a narrow country road entering the village of Donhead St. Mary.

He grips the overhead hand bar tightly, focusing on the directions David had printed off for them that morning when they had dropped Scorpius off at eight o'clock. Hermione's uncle agreed to babysit their son overnight, so the couple's move into their new house can be as stress-free as possible. They had stayed for breakfast before packing their shrunken belongings into the back of David's car and setting off on the hour and forty-seven-minute journey to their home.

This weekend's plan was for Draco and Hermione to spend the Friday decorating and moving their few pieces of furniture into the house. Then on Saturday morning, Hermione's parents would drive down with David, Sophie and Scorpius. At the same time, Hyperion and Alarte will drive up. Their family will then help them organise, and in some case build, the furniture they had spent the last week buying. Everything should arrive on Saturday morning, then they can spend the afternoon working, and the night relaxing with their family, who would stay the night before heading home Sunday morning.

"Where are we going when we reach Church Hill?" Hermione asks as a church spire appears through the trees lining the country road.

"Carry on until you see Berry Wood Lane, then turn left and follow to the gate of our driveway," Draco grins, glancing over at his wife.

There had been a knot in his stomach on New Year's Eve as the estate agent showed them around their new house. He had kept his eyes on Hermione, trying to read the micro-expressions that were flittering across her face. He needn't have worried though, she had fallen even more in love with the property, so much so that she signed the contract on the kitchen island. They had been given permission to move in the following Friday.

Hermione began to slow down as she indicated off the country road and drove up the short side road that led only to the simple black double gates to their property. Draco wove his wand in the direction of the gate, opening them as they approached. The gravel driveway up to the house itself was a hundred meters long, giving guests a view of their grounds, which at the moment comprised of a well-groomed lawn with a few trees and high hedges lining their property line.

"We should plant some tree along the driveway," Draco suggests.

Hermione doesn't answer, staring up at the large, stone house ahead of them in awe. It was only the second time she had seen their new home in person. Draco had asked the estate agent for a viewing three times before deciding it was the right house for his family, and then a further two times, once to sign his name on the contract, and again with Hermione.

The car comes to a stop at the top of their driveway. At the back of their property is a garage, which is why the front door was rarely used by the previous occupants, preferring to enter through the closest back door.

"I'm still struggling to believe we've gone and bought a house," Hermione mutters as she removes the keys from the ignition, but not making a move to exit the car.

"Are you okay?" Draco asks, resting his hand atop hers on her lap.

Hermione nods, "It's all quite overwhelming. Two weeks ago, I had no idea we would be here today." She admits, climbing out of the car.

Draco joins Hermione, taking her hand and dangling the keys to their house in front of her face. Her smile widens as she takes the proffered keys, and pulls him over to the front door.

Wrapping around the house, from the study window to the left side of the house is a porch, with steps leading up to the entrance, a stone portico protecting the front door from the harsh British weather.

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