Chapter 27: You Need to Look Less Attractive

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Draco takes the few minutes it takes for the disillusionment charm to wear off to glance around his surroundings. The Creevey's front garden has a large hedge around it, hiding both itself from the rest of the world and the rest of the world from itself. The house itself looked like any other muggle house. A front door with a large window to its left, then two more large windows upstairs. The door was painted Gryffindor red which made him think the Creevey brothers had asked their parents to paint it after they'd both been sorted into their house. He then noticed that the door knocker was a golden lion stood on its hindquarters which he took to confirm his suspicion.

Hermione squeezes his hand so he glances to his right only to find her looking back him. The disillusionment charm's worn off. With a deep breath to calm his nerves, he knocks on the door with his knuckles, refusing to use the Gryffindor style knocker. They wait a few seconds before a tall, slender man opens the door wearing an apron on top of a suit.

He smiles politely, looking between them both before he seems to recognise Hermione as his eyes widen and stay transfixed on her.

"Hermione Granger?" He questions, looking her up and down.

"Yes?" She replies uncertainly.

"Wow, I've heard so much about you from my sons. Colin sent multiple pictures of you and your friends through the years." He explains.

Hermione nods with a sad smile. "I'm deeply sorry about what happened to Colin. He didn't deserve to die the way he did. His bravery will never be forgotten, especially by the DA." She tells him.

Mr Creevey takes a deep breath as he looks up at the sky for a moment.

"Harry told me at the funeral. That he wasn't supposed to even be in the school. That he snuck back in to help his friends fight that evil man and his follows." He sniffs, blinking rapidly. "I would give almost anything to have my son back with me but knowing that he died bravely in a war, for a cause he believed in, helps with the grieving." He finally admits defeat as tears break from his eyes. He quickly wipes them away with the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry, I don't recognise you from any of Colin's pictures. Were you friends?" He asks, looking down at Draco.

He had no idea what to say. No sir, I wasn't your dead son's friend, in fact, I was one of the evil guy's followers who didn't stop the other followers from torturing your son in detention when I could easily have done so. Draco didn't think Mr Creevey would appreciate hearing that.

"This is Draco, my husband," Hermione answers for him once it's clear he doesn't know what to say.

"Okay," He sends him a quick smile before turning back to Hermione. "Are you here to see Dennis?" He asks.

"Yes, we are." Hermione smiles. "Is he home?" She asks, peering behind Mr Creevey.

"Yes, he's in his room." He sighs sadly. "He hasn't really left that bedroom since he got back two weeks ago. I know it's especially hard on him, losing not only his brother but his best friend, but I thought going back to the routine of school would help. Maybe it was too much, going back to school, after everything that happened there." Mr Creevey thinks aloud.

"He has many friends from the DA at school who know what he's going through and some who understand what he's going through. He was never alone and always had someone to talk to if he needed to. I think coming back to Hogwarts was probably the best decision you could have made." She quickly explains, obviously not wanting Dennis to miss out on his education. "Do you talk about Colin together?" She adds curiously.

"I don't like to bring him up too much. I don't think Dennis is ready yet." He says carefully, making sure his son doesn't hear him.

"Maybe you should start. Dennis could tell you more about what Colin was like at school. It might help both of you to talk about him." She suggests.

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