Chapter 122: One Of The Big Ones

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Hermione hands Scorpius over to Molly, along with a bag full of baby care essentials. "Everything you should need is in here, Molly, and his bottles in the fridge. We feed him every two to three hours." She explains.

"Hermione, dear, I've raised seven children, and have seven grandchildren, this one included. I know how to take care of a baby. Now don't worry about us, go out and enjoy your date; spend a little time away from being a mummy and daddy, and be husband and wife for a few hours." Molly tells her.

She sighs, "I'm sorry, Molly, this is going to be the longest we're away from him. He should only wake twice at most during the night." She adds

"Hermione, they're going to be fine," Draco assures her, taking her hand soothingly.

"I know, I know, let's go before I change my mind," she threads her fingers between Draco's. "Thank you, Molly. Mummy is going to miss you so much, Scorpius." She kisses the top of her son's head. "I'll see you in the morning.

Draco has to drag her away as she keeps finding excuses to stay, checking the baby bag, or the bottles of milk in the fridge, or making sure Scorpius had his hat with him in case Molly took him outside.

"We both trust Molly more than almost anyone else to look after our son, if he doesn't have his hat, Molly won't take him out, or she'll knit him one." Draco chuckles, pulling her down the garden path, away from the Burrow.

"Well, it's too late to cancel now," Hermione says to herself.

"I don't know why you agreed to this triple date idea," he huffs, annoyed. "I can't believe Pansy agreed." He adds.

"It was because Pansy and Ron had already agreed that I agreed," Hermione explains. "He's your best friend, Draco. We don't get together very often, and it sounds like he's planning something special. I didn't want to turn him down just because you don't like Cara. She's polite enough that we can be civil with her." She warns him

"Something special," he frowns, seemingly remembering something.

"What is it?" She asks.

"I just remembered something from Halloween," He frowns as they apparate to Diagon Alley, where they exit into muggle London through The Leaky Cauldron.

"That argument you two had?" She asks, remembering the night well.

Draco hums in agreement as they walk to the taxi rank where they instruct the driver to take them to the restaurant address Blaise had sent them the previous day. Hermione doesn't push him to clarify, since she knows he promised not to tell her, and Draco doesn't break his promises. It's a value she appreciates in her husband.

"I didn't think they were going to last this long, to be honest." He admits. "He told me that night that they've been together since August."

"I didn't think he was very good at keeping secrets," Hermione comments.

"He isn't, usually, which is why I was surprised, which didn't help." Draco states. "He knows I don't particularly like her, so he asked us to act nice and polite."

"I am nice and polite," Hermione smiles at him, making him laugh. "I'm not sure how well Pansy can act though."

"It's sure to be an eventful date." Draco sighs knowingly.

When their taxi pulls up outside the restaurant Blaise had booked for them, not only were Pansy and Ron stood waiting for them, but so were Gregory and Megan Goyle. Hermione pays for the taxi while Draco climbs out of the backseat, smiling as he greets another friend he hasn't see for months.

"Gregory! I didn't know you were back in the country," Draco shakes his friend's hand, patting his shoulder.

"We came back for Christmas with Megan's family. Blaise saw us in Diagon Alley yesterday and invited us." Gregory explains.

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