Chapter 121: Today Is Going To Be Perfect

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Both Hermione and Draco are instinctively awoken from their short nap by the cries of a toddler somewhere downstairs.

"My parents should be here by now," Hermione mutters, having turned around to check the clock on the bedside table.

"We should get up," Draco nods, his arms still wrapped around his wife's waist.

Hermione hums in agreement, turning back around in his embrace. "It could be Scorpius crying," she adds.

"I'm sure someone has got him. He's an adorable baby, any one of your relatives would be happy to comfort him."

Hermione chuckles, reluctantly sliding out of bed, and pulling her wrap dress back on. She forgoes her boots, not needing them for walking around the house. She leans back over Draco. "You have twenty minutes before the buffet will be ready. Take your time," she kisses the top of his head before leaving.

She finds her parents sat at the kitchen table with her grandparents.

"Merry Christmas," she greets them, smile beaming across her face as she hugs the four of them and kisses their cheeks.

"Hey, good looking," her grandad hugs her tightly. "Where is that boy of yours?" He asks.

"He's getting up now." Hermione laughs.

"I think he meant your child, Hermione." Her dad clarifies.

"Oh, sorry," she laughs. "I left him with David about two hours ago." Scanning the garden for her uncle and finding him tending the barbecue, baby-less. "David?" Hermione calls out through the patio doors. "Where's Scorpius?"

"In the playroom with all the other kids." He calls back.

As though on cue, Sophie enters the kitchen, with Scorpius wrapped in a blanket in her arms. Hermione's eyes widen at the sight of her small, eight-year-old cousin carrying her three-month-old son.

"Wow, Sophie, look at you taking the role of big cousin seriously," Hermione quickly steps forward, ready to take Scorpius at the first sign of Sophie struggling.

"He was crying. Lauren said babies like to be swaddled, so we wrapped him in the blanket. Then I heard you ask where he was so I brought him to you." Sophie explains, lifting Scorpius up for Hermione to take.

"You've done a great job, thank you." She praises her cousin, despite her heart racing.

Scorpius snuggles against his mother's chest, having recognised her scent, and settles down. His small fingers gripping the edge of the blanket. She doesn't blame him for wanting to sleep, she had kept him awake since his midday nap so he would sleep throughout the night. On a good night, Scorpius would sleep ten hours, only waking up twice for feeds or a change. She had no qualms about him napping now, at least while the family ate. At the back of the kitchen, Hermione's grandad had placed an old crib, most likely from when Hermione and her Aunt Louise were babies themselves. She places him down for his nap as Draco enters the living room.

"Hello, everyone," he greets the room. He had redressed in his shirt, trousers and tie, leaving his blazer off for the more informal occasion.

"Merry Christmas," Betty pats his arm as she rises to refill her wine glass. "Care for a glass, Hermione?"

"Sure, grandma," she agrees, following after her grandma.

"How are you, Tom?" Draco asks, always feeling a little intimidated around his grandfather-in-law.

"I'm going to help David with the barbecue." He stands, walking towards the patio doors, a bottle of beer in his hand.

Draco's smile falters until Tom gestures for him to follow, and he scampers after. Chris laughs as he joins the rest of the men outside beneath the gazebo.

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