Chapter 9: Dancing! - Hermione's POV

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She didn't know how he felt about being paired with her, a Muggleborn. He was a Death Eater, with the dark mark to prove it, and it's common knowledge that Death Eaters hate Muggles and Muggleborns above all others so she feels fully justified in worrying about introducing Malfoy to her parents. However, much to her surprise, he's polite. He shook their hands and didn't immediately jump out of her Father's embrace although he did look very uncomfortable.

Her parents lead the way out of the hall into the foyer and then into the reception hall. Hermione's taken by how beautiful the reception hall is. The hall itself is bigger than Hogwarts' Great Hall. There's a stage at one end of the hall with a drum set, a keyboard, three guitars and some microphones arranged. In front of the stage is a large dance floor with spotlights pointing down at it from many different angles. Across the entire opposite wall is a large bar with about twenty bartenders stood waiting to serve or already serving customers. In a horseshoe formation around the stage and dancefloor where around forty large circular tables seating twenty-five people each.

People have already started finding their table and were sitting down with their new partner and families. On an easel near the doors is a seating plan, Hermione points it out to her parents then goes over to see where they have been placed.

"I'll join you at the table momentarily, I need to find my Mother," Malfoy announces before he nods at her parents the walks off towards the stage.

Whoever did the seating arrangement must have already known who was being paired with who and also who's friends with who as she had been placed on the same table with the Weasley's and all their partners and their parents as well. Their table is between the bar and the dancefloor which Hermione doesn't mind since she needs a drink or two and she feels like dancing her worries away. She'll worry about everything tomorrow, for tonight she's going to celebrate her friends' marriage. She is going to enjoy herself.

The three of them head over to their table to find the Weasley's glaring at the Parkinson's. Ginny jumps up from her seat upon seeing Hermione and everyone looks at her for a second before going back to glaring at each other.

Hermione hugs her best friend tightly.

"Congratulations, Mrs Potter." She says making Ginny laugh.

"How are you doing?" Ginny asks her but she shakes her head.

"I'm not even going to think about it. I'm going to celebrate your and Harry's marriage and anyone else's who's happy with this." She explains.

"Well you're not going to be celebrating Ron's, are you?" She laughs, sitting back down.

Hermione takes a seat next to her. Her parents have gone over to congratulate Harry. She glances around the table. Molly and Arthur are glaring at Mr and Mrs Parkinson whilst Pansy cries into her Father's handkerchief and Ron nurses a rather large glass of firewhisky between them. Bill, Fleur and Charlie are sat next to their parents muttering to each other. What she assumes are George, Angelina and her parent's seats are empty. There's a man and a woman looking worriedly at Percy and Audrey who seem to be in a heated debate. She guesses that they're her parents. Harry's stood up talking to her Mum and Dad. Ginny's admiring her wedding band, which Hermione notices is different to hers. Between Hermione and Mr Parkinson are five seats for her parents, Malfoy and his Mum.

He spots his Mother stood over by the stage talking to Mr and Mrs Stonage. Mitty's stood behind her looking around nervously. He walks over to them to drag his Mother over to their table. He needs to introduce her to Granger and her parents before he can get a drink.

"Draco, did you know my son was courting that girl?" Blaise's Mother asks him.

"I was aware he was courting someone before Christmas but I was unaware they carried on after finding out about The Marriage Decree and I was unaware of whom he was courting." Draco answered truthfully. "But I can assure you that Loo- Luna is a very kind natured, clever girl worthy of Blaise's affections." He adds.

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