Chapter 147: Guess Who I Saw Last Month?

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Throughout that dreaded Monday, there was an uncomfortable atmosphere around Hogwarts as the professors anxiously awaited the school's inspection and observation reports. The students had been eerily quiet all day, picking up on these vibes. Hushed whispers could be heard through the corridors and during meals in the Great Hall, speculating whether their professors knew anything (and were keeping it from them) or if they were as clueless as the students.

At the end of the school day, as students milled around the corridors, chatting with their friends about where they would hang out before dinner, Meanwhile, their professors hurriedly packed their belongings and headed to the staff room. Those professors who had a free period last lesson nervously paced the room, a glass of something strong in their hand as they waited for their colleagues.

Hermione arrives before Draco and makes them both teas as she reminisces on their first few days as an apprentice teachers.

When they had first been shown to the staff room, their professors had occupied all the armchairs and couches, and so the five apprentices had taken the kitchenette table during staff meetings. It soon became apparent that each professor had claimed their armchairs in the staff room, Slughorn going so far as to bring his own in from home to make his meal times more comfortable. It wasn't until their apprenticeships ended and a few professors retired that armchairs became available for the new professors. Neville Longbottom and Jonathan Atkins had immediately claimed them for themselves. Not wanting to admit defeat, Pansy brought Professor Binns' old armchair from his office to the staff room. Pansy hadn't even cared when Hermione pointed out it was most likely the armchair their ghostly professor had died in. Since Hermione and Draco didn't intend to spend too much time in the staff room, they were okay with remaining at the tables for meetings or staff gatherings.

Slowly, over the next fifteen minutes, more professors arrive, and they begin taking their seats as they anticipate their meeting starting soon.

"Where is Minerva?" Pansy sighs, slumping down into her armchair with a glass of firewhisky.

Neville yawns loudly, stretching his back before he sits, drawing the attention of his colleagues. "Sorry, it's been a long, weird day."

"The students have picked up on it too," Filius points out. "Did anyone else have trouble keeping their focus?"

"Yes, they weren't interested. After my second lesson, I gave up and handed out tests. I won't count them in their final grades, but it kept them busy," Jonathan Atkins admits.

"I could barely focus myself; today has been such a write-off," Pansy agrees.

The door swings open, and all eyes snap towards the person entering, only to sigh in disappointment upon seeing Draco.

"Thanks," Draco chuckles, taking his seat beside Hermione. He kisses her cheek and then sips his cup of tea. "Are we still waiting on Minerva?" He asks the room.

"Yes, I haven't seen her all day," Filius admits. "She's been locked in her office since before breakfast."

"Did you not check on her?" Hermione asks. "After the Daily Prophet article on Saturday, I'm not expecting amazing results from the inspection."

"Of course, I checked on her," Filius grumbles. "How do you think I know she's locked herself away?"

"Sorry, Filius, I didn't mean to accuse you of neglecting Minerva. I wanted to check on her at lunch, but I was too worried about my results," Hermione admits.

"What's that thing your mum always says?" Draco asks her. "Whatever will be, will be."

"Que sera, sera," Jonathan answers. "My grandma loved Doris Day before she died."

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