Chapter 72: The Town in Gloucestershire

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Hermione is woken up by the feeling of fingers running through her hair. She opens her eyes to find Draco fully dressed, lying on top of their covers with a content smile on his face.

"Good morning, my dear." He greets her, making her blush and bury her face in her pillow.

"What's happening?" She mutters in confusion.

"It's the thirtieth of June." He answers, which doesn't clear up her confusion. She lifts her head up to convey such with a stare. "It's the day of our date." He reminds her.

"I assumed our date was tonight." She admits, turning onto her back.

"When Draco Malfoy takes you on a date, it isn't just for the evening, you get a whole day of his undivided attention, a whole day dedicated to you." He tells her. "And to start off your date day, he has cooked you breakfast in bed." He turns climbs off the bed to lift the tray off his bedside table.

"Does he also spend the day talking about himself in the third person?" She questions him as he places the tray on her lap.

"No, he does not." He smiles at her. "Here we have scrambled eggs on toast with a croissant, raspberry jam and freshly squeezed orange juice." He gestures to the tray.

Hermione stares at the tray for a moment. "When did you go shopping?" She asks, picking up her fork to eat her eggs.

"This morning whilst you were sleeping." He admits.

"The greengrocer doesn't open until ten o'clock on a Thursday." She points out, taking a bite.

"I wouldn't go there." He frowns. "He stares at me like a hawk every time I go in. Why would I ever steal anything?" He shakes his head. "I went to that Muggle supermarket we went to." He admits.

"Well, thank you, this is delicious. Have you eaten?" She asks him, cutting up a piece of toast.

"I haven't had time. I've been planning our date day since half past six." He tells her.

"Here then, have a bite." She turns the fork towards him.

"No, this is your breakfast in bed." He leans away from the fork.

"If I want to share my breakfast in bed with my husband, I will. Now, have a bite." She offers him the fork again to which he takes the bite with a sigh.

"I don't want anymore." He tells her.

"You will eat half my croissant." She warningly tells him.

"I will do no such thing." He makes to stand up.

"You are not leaving me to eat breakfast in bed on our date day." She grabs hold of his hand.

"I'm already regretting asking you out." He sighs, leaning back against the headboard and crossing his ankles.

Hermione continues to eat her eggs on toast and takes the quiet to take in Draco. He's remembered what she told him about rolling his shirt sleeves up. They really do make his arms look great. She quickly averts her eyes from them before she's caught staring. Her eyes scan down the entirety of his body, taking in the black waistcoat buttoned up and his black trousers and dress shoes. She must remember to tell him how much she loves it when he dresses like this. If he were to throw on a long robe jacket, she would most likely fall for him on the spot.

"I hope you don't mind," He starts, making her jump slightly and blush for staring. "but I was looking through your wardrobe and found a black dress with a white collar. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to but it would compliment my outfit well and by your staring, I'm going to make the assumption that I look good today." He stares at her out the corner of his eyes.

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