Chapter 82: It's Not Your Responsibility, Draco

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Draco perches on the arm of their couch in his fifth best suit, the one he doesn't mind getting sick on if it should happen. He flicks through a potions magazine that Horace had given him at the previous day's staff meeting to read of the remainder of the October half-term holiday. One article, in particular, spoke of a new ingredient which had accidentally been found in Armenia and lengthened the effects of the Polyjuice Potion, which Draco just so happened to have planned to teach the seventh years in the next term.

"What are you reading?" Hermione asks, standing behind him and wrapping her arms around his neck as she bends down to press a kiss to his cheek.

"They've found a new ingredient for the Polyjuice Potion." He explains.

Hermione physically shudders, moving away from him to sit on the armchair and fasten her sandals.

"What was that?" He asks curiously, folding the magazine up and placing it on their coffee table.

"What was what?" She asks, avoiding the question.

"You know what I am referring to." He says pointedly.

His wife sighs, seemingly trying to decide whether or not to divulge her secret. With a final sigh, she turns to face him with a grimace.

"I had a bad experience with polyjuice potion." She admits.

Draco frowns. "When have you used polyjuice potion." He asks.

Three times, the last time was to break into Gringotts as your Aunt Bellatrix and steal Helga Hufflepuff's Cup." She smirks at him.

Draco stares at her, gobsmacked. "I- I can understand why that was a bad experience." He mutters.

"Oh, no, that wasn't the bad experience, the first time I used it was during our second year with Harry and Ron. We planned to break into the Slytherin common room to question you on whether you were the Slytherin's heir." Draco quirks his eyebrow. "The boys turned into Crabbe and Goyle whilst I attempted to turn into Millicent Bulstrode. Unfortunately, the hair I retrieved from her wasn't hers, but her cat's." She admits.

Draco's eyes grow fond as he stands up and pulls his wife up to meet him in a hug. "I am thoroughly impressed with your cunningness and your ability to make such an advanced potion in your second year." He smiles. "Even if it didn't work." He kisses her forehead.

"It worked perfectly well; I'll have you know. Harry and Ron infiltrated your common room and questioned you." She defends her potion making ability.

Draco frowns as he thinks back to their second year. "I do vaguely remember Crabbe and Goyle acting suspiciously one night." He shakes his head, then laughs. "What was the second time?" He asks.

"We broke into Umbridge's office at the Ministry to steal Salazar Slytherin's Locket." She admits, glancing up at her husband.

Draco leans down, capturing her lips in a kiss. "All this talk of breaking and entering, theft and illegal potion brewing is making me love you more." He sighs against her lips.

"Really," She smiles. "You're into the bad girl image."

"I'm into your Slytherin side." He whispers making her frown. "Is that really a surprise? Your cleverness, determination, ambition, cunningness, resourcefulness are some of my favourite qualities about you." He admits.

"And your bravery, nerve, courage and chivalry are some of mine, Mr Gryffindor." She teases.

Draco scoffs, "Don't be absurd. Could you ever see me as a... a Gryffindor?" He rhetorically asks, pulling away from their embrace to leave the front room.

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