Chapter 131: We Don't Have Much Time

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Harry stares at himself in the mirror above the fireplace, straightening his necktie beneath his shirt collar. The second of May was a hard day for everyone, and after the previous Ministry War Anniversary dinner, where Hermione had made her controversial speech, he had thought the tradition would be discontinued. Especially with the number of cheers and celebrations afterwards, from people who clearly agreed with Hermione's statement. However, Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt needed to continue the War Anniversary dinners to boost his standing within the Ministry and the wizarding world. As an auror, the 'saviour' of the wizarding world, and as one of the new leaders of the New Order, Harry had to show his face at the dinner to avoid suspicion.

Ginny had agreed to attend with him, but they both agreed that their children shouldn't be forced to go through the dinner, and so Hermione and Draco had agreed to look after them since they had refused to attend. Ginny was at their house now, dropping Teddy and James off for the afternoon.

The fireplace lights up as Ginny returns, "Are you ready?" she asks, placing her hands on his shoulders to smooth out his robes.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he sighs. "Let's get this over with." He takes her hand in his, kissing her knuckles.

The Ministry is eerily quiet when they arrive by floo, despite there being numerous groups of people lingering around on the floo floor and along the corridors leading to the banquet hall. Harry knows that people mourn their loved ones differently, and thinks that very few would find this form of public mourning to be appropriate. For Harry, he prefers to mourn his fallen friends and family in private, with the ones who also knew and loved them. They can share stories and laugh and cry as they remember them for who they were. Hermione was right, they shouldn't be remembering the fallen for their sacrifice, but for the life they led when they were alive.

"Mr Potter, you and your wife are seated at the Minister's table," a Ministry Official informs him as they enter the banquet hall.

"Great, thanks," Harry mutters.

Ginny's hand grips his tighter, assuring him that she is there with him, every step of the way, and it certainly helps. He squeezes her hand back in thanks as they follow the Ministry Official to their table, where the Minister is already sat, laughing with Elias Woodward, the Head of the Department for Education.

"Ah, Harry Potter, it's great to see the Saviour finally here. You're cutting it a little short, aren't you?" Elias Woodward asks, standing to shake his hand.

"Yes, quite right, Elias. The dinner begins in ten minutes." The Minister agrees, also standing to shake Harry's hand.

Harry smiles, shaking the Minister's hand. "We had to drop the children off beforehand," he states, pulling the chair out for his wife to sit.

"You didn't bring them, they should be proud of what their father has accomplished," Elias Woodward continues, shaking Ginny's hand as well.

"I think they're a little too young to understand completely what this dinner represents. I'd prefer to wait until they're older." Harry answers, sitting beside his wife.

"I was disappointed to hear that Hermione wouldn't be attending this year," Elias grins at Harry, obviously having fun winding the Minister of Magic up. "Although, maybe that's for the best, after her little speech last year." He adds.

"An invitation was sent to Ms Granger and Mr Malfoy as a courtesy," Minister Shacklebolt states, his jaw tight. "But they declined to attend."

"I find it all rather disrespectful to those who lost their lives during the war. How would they feel, looking down to see that one of the Golden Trio can't even be bothered to show up to their memorial dinner?" Elias comments and the Minister nods in agreement.

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