Chapter 59: Mutual Trust

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Hermione stares up at the ominous building, finding it just as awe inspiring as she had during her first visit a few days ago. She tries to push the guilt lining her stomach away as she takes her wand out of her bag, along with Lucius' old journal. She minimises the book down to the size of a pebble, hiding it in her bra before pointing her wand at the grand gate of Azkaban. Remembering how some of the inmates reacted to the loud creaks, she cast a silencing charm before slowly pushing the gate open.

Taking a deep breath, she grips her wand tightly as she weaves her way up the path between the headstones. Once again, as she reaches for the door knocker, the wooden door opens for her. She heads straight up the staircase, wand at the ready in case there's any trouble at the top. However, as she pushes the door open, she finds the two ministry officials still sat at the table in front of the Head of Azkaban's office. Their hands hesitating by their hips where their wands are in holsters.

Davies, the official who had been dismissed during her previous visit, scoffs at her before going back to their game of wizard's chess. Lohier, the official who had replaced him, stands up and bows his head respectively to her before knocking on the Head's office door. Hermione remains where she's stood, watching Davies cautiously since he hasn't removed his hand from his wand holster.

"Ms Granger," Mr Ahmed calls her attention. "I must admit, I was not expecting to see you again so soon." He tells her as she walks into his office.

"I feel as though there's something Lucius isn't tell me." She admits, taking her jacket off and folding it over her bag, placing them both in the visitors' locker.

"You appear to be in quite a rush." He mentions, grabbing his own wand from his desk and leading her down the long, straight corridor towards the lift door where Mr Ahmed calls the lift with the touch of his hand.

When they reach the fiftieth floor, they rush past Isabelle who shouts dangerously flirtatious, towards the door to the next floor.

"I must warn you, Ms Granger," Mr Ahmed starts as they walk up the staircase to the fifty-first floor. "Since your last visit, Mr Malfoy hasn't uttered a single word. He's rarely slept or eaten and spends most of his time writing his letters and burning them. I am aware that to you, Mr Malfoy is a Death Eater, and your father-in-law but to me, he's an inmate in my prison and his well-being is my responsibility. Therefore, I ask you simply not to push him too hard." He explains as he unlocks the next door.

Hermione nods. "Last time I was here, you told me Lucius was the sanest and most dangerous inmate. I can tell that inside his head, he's the same person and I honestly wouldn't want to make him angry. I've seen the wandless magic he can do and it's impressively dangerous." She mentions.

They walk in silence until they're walking down the corridor on the fifty-fifth floor towards Lucius Malfoy's cell.

"Mr Ahmed." The two officials greet the Head as they approach.

"Ms Granger has come to visit Mr Malfoy again, please open his door." He orders.

Once again, the two officials shared a curious look as they both place their palms on the door and the locks start clicking, shifting and turning in their place.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Hermione questions. "In case he does ask." She adds.

"Today is Saturday 18th?" He asks and she nods. "Then Spaghetti Bolognese is for dinner." He tells her. "Although, I doubt he'll eat it." He adds as the door is finally unlocked.

"He might." She states before stepping over the threshold into Lucius's cell.

Draco disapparates to Diagon Alley, making his way straight to the Leaky Cauldron in the hope that Hermione will already be there and they can visit Professor Slughorn earlier. However, a quick glance around the pub shows that she hasn't arrived yet. Walking up to the bar, he buys himself a cup of coffee from the bar then takes a seat on the barstool to wait. From the way he glances at the doors every time they open, Tom must have realised that he's waiting for someone.

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