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The whole lunch fiasco was done and I'm now in Orchestra class. I hear in public schools or some others, theatre and art kids are a whole different group in school and aren't popular. Well, that's quite the opposite at my school because all the kids need to be talented in every area if they want to go to their ivy league's and wherever they want. That means, you can pretty much find the popular kids in art classes, except theatre, they really are on their own. Every high school has the same cliche groups that flock with each other, and our school definitely has them.

Marilla, Cindy, and Aarington are among the popular kids, Aarington is an athlete so obviously and Marilla is such a social butterfly like Cindy.  Then there's me who had an older brother that had his small friend group which each of them was well known at school. I'm his little sister which is the only reason why people know me, so I don't consider myself popular though I hang out with them because of Marilla and Simon, which I have now broken up with. But we can't forget the group of kids who are known by everyone, they hang out with the popular kids but aren't deeply in their friend group and that's where you find Cindy, Aarington, and I.


"Grace come forward and be stand partners with Marilla" I have no problem with that. "Gracie" she squeals, ughh why's she so sweet.

"We have to talk after class that's for sure but at least you're now my stand partner" she nudges me as I laugh before we begin class.

As we place our binders in the lockers provided in the orchestra hall since we're done with class.

"You should come to the house party this Friday," Marilla tells me,

"Do they want me there?" well the 'they" are Simon's friends or his social group. Anytime we break up there's this attitude some of them give to me and it gets exhausting, one day I need to tell them to their faces.


I'm not wasted at the moment, well the stumbles and the zigzag walking speaks louder. Aarington and I came to this party we heard someone was throwing, I expected Simon to be here, and honestly, I didn't care. He's probably throwing himself at a girl right now like he always does when we are on a break.

Seriously why do I keep going back to that asshole?

His friends have been giving me cold stares any time I walk by, well it's mostly the girls, the guys are just confused why we keep getting back together. But I'm done this time, with him and their behavior.
I found a table that I could stand on while struggling to get on it a random guy helped me up, "Thanks, really apprec-" then I recognized it's one of Simon's friends. "Hmm yeah". Once I get my balance and push my hair away from my face, I walk to the middle with careful steps, I probably look dumb but there are more drunk people doing worse than I am.

"Guys, guys" the music's too loud in here, Lord.

I can't recognize what's going on anymore because the next thing is that my feet aren't on a platform and my arms are hurting badly. I hear a couple of people rush to me and one of them is Simon.

"Gracie what were you fucking thinking?" of course he makes me feel dumb instead of helping.

"Nothing I'm fine" I pull my arms away from his hands and look up to see Marilla. Only she and 3 other people in his friend group tolerate me, she's so sweet and pretty too, I'm not joking when I say that I'm jealous of her sometimes.

I reach out to her and she comes forward to squat in front of me, "Grace are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, can you find Aarington. I need to get home. Thank you" she nods and walks away. I look back at Simon and roll my eyes. I'm probably being dramatic but not when he just told me last night that he needs another break, this is our third time.

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